Three members of SERG are attending the International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE) 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal. They will present two doctoral symposium papers, chair the MSR MIP award session, and receive an ICSE Distinguished Reviewer award.

Reason cast in equations

Casting the rational behaviour of individuals in mathematical models and learning from these for use in reality: Daniel Rehsmann recently completed his doctorate in microeconomics and, among other things, he explored the conditions under which it is rational to spread misinformation.

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Artificial Intelligence Methods for Scheduling in Production and Supply Chain Management

April 23rd            11.45 – 13.15              N.2.01

Sen. Scientist Ramsha Ali, M.Sc.

Institut für Artificial Intelligence und Cybersecurity


Sponsoring a Klagenfurt Scholarship in memory of Gabriele Fluch

Paul Brooks and his family are providing financial support to a scholarship holder in the next cohort of the Klagenfurt Scholarship. We are delighted about the donation and the opportunity to support another scholarship holder as part of the programme and spoke to Paul Brooks about the reasons that motivated him to do so.

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