Training and introductory courses, summer term 2019

During the summer term, the library again offers training anhd introductory courses to anybody interested.
We offer the following courses:

  • Introduction on how to use the library for students
  • Surf@ubk & e-resources
  • Supervised database and internet research

You can find the dates on our posters in the library, on our homepage and on our facebook account.

On the e-learning platform MOODLE ( or at the library’s loan deask (Supervised database and internet research).



How do parenthood, marital state and income affect causes of death?

While the consequences of smoking, drinking alcohol, being active etc. have been carefully researched and are well understood as far as life expectancy is concerned, very few studies explore how individual decisions which result in becoming a parent or getting married influence the probability of dying and causes of death. Miguel Portela (Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal) and Paul Schweinzer (University of Klagenfurt, Austria) have recently conducted studies using data from Great Britain. Their biblically inspired conclusion is: “Let the little children come to me.”

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Coaching Meets (Applied Linguistic) Research at the Department of English

Forthcoming Publication & Upcoming Event: Eva-Maria Graf’s „The Pragmatics of Executive Coaching” will be published in April 2019 as part of John Benjamin’s Pragmatics and Beyond New Series (303). The monograph and coaching as a new and innovative research field in applied linguistics will be the focus of an event in June 2019. Read more

Coaching Meets (Applied Linguistic) Research at the Department of English

Forthcoming Publication & Upcoming Event: Eva-Maria Graf’s „The Pragmatics of Executive Coaching” will be published in April 2019 as part of John Benjamin’s Pragmatics and Beyond New Series (303). The monograph and coaching as a new and innovative research field in applied linguistics will be the focus of an event in June 2019.

Executive coaching is a recent, not fully professionalized, yet booming helping professional format in the organizational realm. Eva-Maria Graf’s “The Pragmatics of Executive Coaching” is positioned at the interface between applied linguistic analysis and the practice of coaching. Her book lays the foundation for linguistic qualitative analysis of the (executive) coaching process. It also presents the Basic Activity Model of coaching, which can be used for the analysis as well as the description of the discursive co-construction of the coaching process. Her research advances not only the linguistic understanding of helping professions in general but contributes to the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of coaching.

‘Coaching: Theory, Research & Practice’ or ‘What you need to know about coaching!’ will be the motto of an entire day dedicated to coaching research and the activity of coaching in general. Speakers from Austria, Germany and Switzerland will present diverse topics such as online coaching, (gender) diversity in coaching as well as scientifically-based feedback tools for coaches. Eva-Maria Graf will showcase her own research and a workshop will be organised revolving around the practice of asking questions as a fundamental activity in helping professions. More information on the event will be available soon! 

When: June 24, 2019
Where: Stiftungssaal O.0.01
Further information on the monograph and the event: