Student Bloggers Wanted!

Do you have a passion for writing? Would you like to gain more writing experience? Then why not write for the Department of English and American Studies’ blog?

We are currently looking for student writers to write about a variety of topics, ranging from their experiences studying English at the University of Klagenfurt to their top language learning tips.

A typical post for the blog is approximately 400-500 words. As all articles will be proofread by a member of staff in the English Department, this is a great opportunity to receive feedback on a text and learn more about the writing process. In addition to providing a text, students should also include a photograph with their article that can be used on the blog. Please note that it is important that writers own the rights to any photographs they submit, and they must have permission from any people shown in the photograph for their image to be shared online.

Students’ blog posts will be seen by anyone visiting the Department’s homepage, and writers will be able to share their posts with friends and family across their social media by using the sharing tools available (including Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram). For students who are hoping to go into a career in writing and publishing this is a great opportunity to gain some experience and develop their CV.

Whether you are a new student in the Department or an alumnus, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

If you are interested in writing for the blog, or if you have any questions, please contact Natilly Macartney at natilly [dot] macartney [at] aau [dot] at .

Studienassistenz (10h/Woche) gesucht!!!!

Die AAU Klagenfurt / TeWi sucht für den Zeitraum Oktober 2019 bis einschließlich Februar 2020 eine Studienassistentin bzw. einen Studienassistenten (10h/Woche).


– Wartung der Lehrveranstaltungen im LVOnline

– Unterstützung bei der Erfassung der Lehrveranstaltungen

– Umsetzung der Raumplanung

– Mitarbeit bei der PASS!-Initiative (z.B. Recherchetätigkeit)

Erwünscht sind:

+ Deutschkenntnisse

+ Genauigkeit

+ Verlässlichkeit

+ Organisationstalent und die Bereitschaft zur raschen Einarbeitung.

Bewerbungen an Peter Schartner oder Birgit Schaller erbeten.

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik Symposium 2019

On Monday 23rd September, Senior Lecturers Gregor Chudoba and Natilly Macartney presented a current research project of the English Department at the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik Symposium (ÖGFD) in Klagenfurt. The presentation of the project titled “How Austrian Students Learn the Pronunciation of English (HALPE)” took place during a poster session in the afternoon.

HALPE Project

In a mixed methods approach, Dr Chudoba, along with colleagues from the Department of English, conducted semi-structured interviews and used questionnaires to discover what distinguishes successful learners of English pronunciation from less successful learners. Factors that were investigated included, amongst others, musicality, language awareness, motivation, sojourns abroad and learning strategies.

What factors were significant?

The findings were surprising and revealed that musicality and sojourns abroad did not feature as a distinguishing factor in the successful learners who participated in this study. However, the values of factors such as determination and ambition as well as adopting a well-structured approach to learning were all shown to be significantly higher in the successful learners.

The ÖGFD symposium, founded in 2012, brings together researchers and practitioners from a vast array of subjects, ranging from mathematics to sport. Commenting on the day, Gregor Chudoba said, “I found the exchange with fellow researchers, mainly from other universities in Austria, most stimulating. Two or three also expressed a concrete interest in co-operating on an extended HALPE project, the one we presented at the conference. Generally, critical thinking appears to be a hot topic in secondary school didactics, which is bound to find its way into university teaching, too.”

The HALPE poster is available in the gallery images below. If you are interested in the study and would like to know more, or if you would like to get involved with the HALPE project, then please contact Gregor Chudoba at gregor.chudoba(at)


The University of Klagenfurt makes the first professorial appointment to the Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC): Elisabeth Oswald, who specializes in researching cybersecurity, arrives in Klagenfurt

Step by step, the University of Klagenfurt is steadily expanding its activities in the new research area “Humans in the Digital Age”. The appointment of Elisabeth Oswald (University of Bristol) represents an important milestone in this endeavour. As an applied cryptographer, Elisabeth Oswald works at the interface between mathematics and computer science. In her research, she focuses especially on the cryptographic aspects of cybersecurity.

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