Announcement of need-based scholarships 2024 by the Rector of Studies

Regular students of the University of Klagenfurt (including doctoral candidates) have the opportunity to apply for a need-based scholarship for academic theses from April 8 to April 26, 2024.

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Online Info Session about Doctoral Studies at the University of Klagenfurt on April 23, 2024

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For the third time: “The University gets cycling”!

Since 20 March 2024, students and staff of the University of Klagenfurt have been getting back on their bikes as part of the “The University gets cycling” initiative to replace as many car kilometres as possible with bike kilometres. Until 30 September 2024, kilometres can be collected via the “Kärnten radelt” platform – and participants have the chance to win a great prize!

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The predictor of the future

Witesyavwirwa Vianney Kambale can predict the future, and he can do it without using a crystal ball. Working in the “Transportation Informatics” research group at the Department of Smart Systems Technologies, this doctoral student uses data from yesterday and today to look ahead to tomorrow.

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