16th Austrian IT Security Day | 16 October 2019 | Messe Klagenfurt

On 16 October 2019, the 16th Austrian IT Security Day took place at Messe Klagenfurt in cooperation with “Kärntner Messen”.

There were 9 lectures on the following topics:

  • The challenge of decentralised digitisation for SMEs
  • Risk perception and human (ir)rationality
  • What to do in case of a cyber emergency? Hotline, cyber insurance or solve it yourself?
  • Smartcards in Multi-Devices and Multi-Usecase Environments
  • From network analysis to application protection
  • IT security of production systems
  • Current case law on e-commerce
  • Online trading: Typical risks and their distribution
  • Network and Information Security

Two hacking demos:

  • Networks are dangerous and funny too 😉
  • Digitalization madness – view into the digital divide

10 Exhibitors:

  • Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt | TEWI
  • Anexia
  • Attingo Datenrettung GmbH
  • Industrial Automation GmbH
  • Joanneum Research
  • NTS Netzwerk Telekom Service AG
  • RGE GmbH
  • Stadtwerke Klagenfurt AG
  • Technikon Forschungs- und Planungsgesellschaft mbH

130 satisfied participants are already looking forward to the next IT Security Day in autumn 2020 at FH Salzburg at the Urstein campus in Puch/Salzburg.

Are we seeing genuine progress with recommender systems?

Recommender systems represent a key technology for e-commerce providers such as Google, Amazon, Netflix, Booking.com and Spotify. It is therefore with a certain urgency that researchers are working intensively on making ever more accurate predictions about the products and services users might want to consume next. However, in a paper published recently, Maurizio Ferrari Dacrema, Paolo Cremonesi and Dietmar Jannach were able to show that several critical issues concerning the research methodology are hindering progress in the development of recommender systems. In recognition of their work, they received the Best Full Paper Award at the renowned ACM Conference on Recommender Systems in Copenhagen in September.

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StudienassistentIn gesucht !!!!

Die Informatikwerkstatt der AAU Klagenfurt sucht eine Studienassistentin bzw. einen Studienassistenten zur Erstellung von Security-Lehrinhalten für Sekundarstufe I und II.

Bearbeitung im Rahmen einer BA- bzw. MA-Arbeit (UF Informatik, ggf. auch Angewandte Informatik) möglich.

Bei Interesse bitte Kontakt mit Andreas Bollin (andreas [dot] bollin [at] aau [dot] at) oder Peter Schartner (peter [dot] schartner [at] aau [dot] at) aufnehmen.

US Exchange Information Event: Joint-Study and Fulbright


Save the Date: On October 29, 2019 the English Department hosts “US Exchange Information Event:Joint-Study and Fulbright” at 4 pm in N.0.27.

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