Degree ceremony for graduates of the University of Klagenfurt, 6th March 2020

On Friday, 6 March 2020, the degree ceremony for graduates of the University of Klagenfurt took place in the Hans-Romauch-Lecture Hall (Lecture Hall A).

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Krank zur Arbeit: Wie kommt die Forschung dem Präsentismus und seinen Folgen auf die Spur?

Die Grippewelle hat Österreich und Europa wieder im Griff, und damit einher geht für viele Berufstätige die Frage: Wann gehe ich (noch oder wieder) zur Arbeit und wann bleibe ich besser zuhause? Welche Folgen entstehen für mich und für meine*n Arbeitgeber*in mit Blick auf Produktivität, Kosten und Zusammenarbeit? Studien zeigen, dass rund ein Drittel der Arbeitnehmer*innen auch krank zur Arbeit gehen. Heiko Breitsohl forscht an der Abteilung Personal, Führung und Organisation zum so genannten „Präsentismus“. In einer aktuellen Übersichtsarbeit kommt er gemeinsam mit Kolleg*innen zum Schluss: Wir wissen zu wenig über das „Phänomen Präsentismus“ und seine Bedeutung und Folgen werden gravierend unterschätzt.

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New Colleague @ IAS

Portrait: Martin Stettinger
Martin Stettinger

We are very happy to wel­come our new coll­eague Martin Stett­inger in the Depart­ment of In­for­matics Systems. Martin has fin­i­shed his PhD in In­for­ma­tics at the Graz Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­lo­gy. He started his work in the Inter­active Sys­tems re­search group in Jan­uary 2020 in the Mass Cust­om­i­zation 4.0 pro­ject. Martin will focus his work on the de­ve­lop­ment of inno­va­tive pro­ducts and serv­ices to sup­port small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses (SME) in ques­tions of mass cust­om­i­zation. Regard­ing ser­vices, tools are de­ve­loped to sur­vey the status of know­ledge in mass cust­o­mi­zation on the one hand, and to train comp­anies to extend their know­ledge in this do­main on the other hand. Regard­ing pro­ducts, Martin and coll­eagues will deve­lop a smart home con­fi­gu­rator to en­able SME to cust­o­mize the sys­tems and pro­ducts they offer to the cust­omers’ needs. The con­fi­gu­rator will con­sist of two main parts: an AI-based back­end and an appro­pri­ate user in­ter­faces that allow cust­omers to easily convey their needs to the supplier (the SMEs).

TEDx Klagenfurt Curators Visit English Students!

On Wednesday 15th January, TEDx Klagenfurt Curators, Eithne Knappitsch and Marko Haschej, visited students in the Department of English and American Studies. The aim of the guest lecture was for students to find out about TEDx Klagenfurt and learn more about public speaking as part of the course titled, “Professional Speaking Skills.”

Who and what is TED?

Many people are familiar with the inspiring TED videos on Youtube. But what is TED and how did it all begin?

TED is short for Technology, Entertainment and Design. It began as a conference founded in 1984 by Richard Saul Wurman and Harry Marks. Today, TED is a global non-profit organisation with the mission to research and discover “ideas worth spreading.” In 2009, TED opened up its conference format to local, independently organised events called TEDx. Since then, thousands of communities around the world have come together to host their own annual TEDx events, including Klagenfurt.  

TEDx Klagenfurt

Last year, Ms Knappitsch took over the role of TEDx Klagenfurt Curator from Mr Haschej, who was previously the Curator for 7 years. During their talk, the Curators shared the history of TED with the students and explained how TEDx events are organised. The group were given an insight into how guest speakers are selected and what goes on back stage on the day, which includes lots of rehearsing with coaches and even massages to help speakers relax!

Mr Haschej and Ms Knapptisch then gave the students advice on speaking in front of an audience. Some of their top tips included:

·         When you have finished what you want to say either move on to your next point or wrap up, do not talk aimlessly.  

·         Think about who your audience are and why they should care about what you are saying.

·         Be authentic.

At the end of this semester, as part of the course, the group will deliver individual presentations to their colleagues on the topic of institutional talk. This visit was not only an opportunity for the students to ask questions and prepare for their upcoming presentations, but also to find out how they could get involved with TEDx.

We would like to thank Mr Haschej and Ms Knappitsch for speaking to our group and wish the students all the best with their final presentations.

If you would like to learn more about TEDx Klagenfurt or attend an event, then you can find further information on the following website: