ICS – Poster Presentation – Europe Biobank Week 2020

Between 17th -20th November the Europe Biobank Week 2020  has taken place. More than 700 professionals met virtually to exchange their knowledge and to discuss current topics concerning biobanking. Dr.phil. Volodymyr Shekhovtsov from ICS was one of the participating experts.

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“Pure logic, which surprises me again and again”

Kathrin Spendier is one of the first doctoral students to participate in the FWF doc.funds doctoral programme on “Modeling – Analysis – Optimization of discrete, continuous, and stochastic systems”. She talked to us about the fascination mathematics holds for her, and what goals she wants to achieve with her research.

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Teaching Assistant – Apply Now

Get to know a new culture, improve your language skills, and gain teaching experience by becoming a teaching assistant in one of ten exciting countries. France, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Russia, and Hungary are partner countries to Austria in the teaching assistant programme and one of them could be your new home for 7 to 10 months. As a teaching assistant, you get the opportunity to teach German as a foreign language for 12 to 16 hours per week in cooperation with the local German teachers, which gives you a chance of observing and acquiring new teaching practices while improving your own language skills and exploring a new country and culture outside of teaching hours.

For more information and your application, visit www.weltweitunterrichten.at/sprachassistenz, and if you are interested in any informative events, visit www.weltweitunterrichten.at/infoveranstaltungen.

Apply by January 12, 2021, if you would like to participate in the programme for the school year 2021/2022.

ICS – “Young Experts ins Service Computing-Students Paper Participation Award” – Winner Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Marco Franceschetti

From 18th– 24th October 2020 the “International Conference on Web Services” (ICWS) was held in Beijing, China. Because of Covid 19 it was organized as online conference. Less than 20 % of all submitted papers was accepted for the Conference. One of them was “Computing Admissible Temporal SLAs for Web Service Compositions” by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Marco Franceschetti and O.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Johann Eder.

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