Melanie Schranz: A woman’s journey into the realm of technology and to her dream job

Our graduate Melanie Schranz couldn’t get enough of the exciting research topics at the Department of Networked and Embedded Systems. As one of the first eight students on the Information and Communications Engineering degree programme, she went straight on to pursue a doctorate after completing her diploma thesis. Together, we look back at an exciting past and talk about the latest research topics at Lakeside Labs.

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A tricky aspect of synchronisation: What happens when too many impulses jam the system?

Whenever people dance in groups, fish swim in shoals and neurons fire in unison, then there is a need for synchronicity. The world has plenty of these phenomena, many of which seem almost magical. Researchers are currently working on replicating this self-organised synchronisation for use in technical systems. Yet they come up against “deadlocks”, where the synchronisation process is jammed. A recent publication in Physical Review E explores new approaches to this tricky issue.

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Game Studies and Engineering: “Study games” and broaden your horizons

The Master’s degree programme Game Studies and Engineering at the University of Klagenfurt is unique – an interdisciplinary study degree programme that deals with the technical as well as the analytical and ethical aspects of video and other games. Christina Obmann has chosen to pursue the Master’s degree programme Game Studies and Engineering. She talks to us about the programme and tells us why she chose this path. Read more

Hidden spots around Lake Wörthersee: they do exist!

Find out where you can relax on the shores of Lake Wörthersee in the summer without spending a lot of money and without crowds of tourists.

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