Gender Budgeting

What does it take to make the public budget gender-responsive? A new project on gender budgeting funded by the Anniversary Fund of the OeNB aims to explore this.

The budget of a public administration (i. e. federal government, federal state government, local government) shows how it is financed, what tasks it fulfils and what financial resources are necessary to realise them. The decisions regarding the generation and use of public money have different effects on different population groups, such as women and men. Gender budgeting attempts to show these effects and to take them into account in budget decisions. Since 2009, the federal constitution requires all governmental levels (central, states ‘Laender’, and local) to pursue equality of women and men in their budgeting systems. This gained attention worldwide, but what have the ‘Laender’ and local governments been doing since then to achieve this goal? And what effects do the various interventions have? Birgit Moser-Plautz, post-doctoral assistant at the Department of Public, Nonprofit & Health Care Management, investigates this question in a project funded by the Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank.

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Technology scholarships for Master’s degree programmes in the ICT field

The scholarship programme for students pursuing English-language Master’s degrees in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) at the University of Klagenfurt got off to a successful start. The official kick-off took place one year ago. To date, 30 students from twelve countries have benefitted from our innovative funding programme.

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Fortress upon a Hill

The presidential inauguration commemorates the beginning of a new 4-year term of the president of the United States. By reciting the oath of office “[…] to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution”— the incoming president assumes the duty and responsibility to exercise presidential powers. While inaugural ceremonies serve to provide continuity and stability, the 59th presidential inauguration is marred by overwhelming obstacles. Read more

From Applied Informatics to Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity

From January 1, 2021, we have changed our official name into Department of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. The old name (Department of Applied Informatics) was somewhat unspecific, and the new name should reflect the majority of work carried out at the department. The downside is of course that it does not perfectly cover all activities that are going on (but also in the past the department had some significant theoretical output, despite its name).
Maybe you have noticed that there is a new MSc programme of the same name ( – the interesting bit is that the same name was suggested independently for these two entities, but the department is also the main driving force behind the programme.