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Barbara Neymeyr: Schillers Moralästhetik als verfehlte Kant-Kritik und die ›Kalokagathia‹-Idee 2023 (Literatur und Philosophie, Bd. 6)

The book critically analyzes Schiller’s moral aesthetics as a supposedly more moderate alternative to Kant’s moral ethics. Turning away from current research theses, it is shown that Schiller’s objections to Kant, as well as those of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, are based on misjudgments and that Schiller’s own design even implies a moral rigorism against his will. In addition, Schiller’s conception of ‘grace’ and ‘dignity’ contains inconsistencies, the cause of which is investigated. Beyond the problem-oriented systematic analyses, a cultural-historical horizon-building reveals how much Schiller and Hölderlin are influenced by the ancient ideals of ‘kalokagathia’ and ‘sympatheia’, which differ fundamentally from Kant’s philosophy.

In her book, Prof. Dr. Barbara Neymeyr uses systematic analyses and cultural-historical horizon-building to show the extent to which Schiller’s moral aesthetics not only prove to be a misguided critique of Kant, but also how far removed his concept is from Kant’s ethics. These findings offer a new perspective on the philosophical tradition and encourage us to reflect on the supposed alternatives to the ethics of duty. With her work, Neymeyr makes a valuable contribution to the Kant Year 2024 and beyond.

 You find the recommended book in the open stacks (12-264.Schi.2) with the booknumber I 628793 and it can be borrowed!

Ready for a global career at OECD?

The event ‘READY FOR A GLOBAL CAREER AT OECD?’ took place today in the Oman Hall at the University of Klagenfurt. A large number of interested students took part to find out about career opportunities at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

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Reason cast in equations

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