International Day of Mathematics 2021

The International Mathematics Day is an event proclaimed by UNESCO and supported by the International Mathematical Union, which takes place annually on 14 March. The day is also known as π-day, because: The decimal expansion of the circle number π begins with 3.1415…. — and especially in the American-speaking world, 14 March is written as “3/14”.

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Margareta Ciglič: The wonderful world of Informatics.

Our graduate Margareta Ciglič discovered her passion for Computer Science while studying Applied Business Administration and decided to study both in parallel. We chatted with her about how all this came about, what her subsequent path at the university and at Kelag Energie has been like, and what is drawing her back to the lecture halls of the University of Klagenfurt in the upcoming summer semester. Read more

Offener Tag bei der Synchronen Virtuellen Österreich-Exkursion! Freitag, 26.2.21, 9-14 Uhr.

Im Zuge der virtuellen Exkursion durch Österreich laden wir zur Teilnahme am Freitag, den 26.02.2021 zwischen 9 und 14 Uhr ein.

Es gibt folgendes Tagesprogramm:

9-11 Uhr: Bad Ischl (Tourismus, Vortrag und Diskussion, Arbeitsaufgabe)

11-12 Pause

12-14 Uhr: Hallstatt (Erkundung, Vortrag Salzwelten, Vortrag Hallstatt, Arbeitsaufgabe)

Sie können über den Link
jederzeit einsteigen und zuhören.

Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf Ihr Kommen.

Das Exkursionsteam

Carinthian of the Day

Kathrin Spendier from the Department of Statistics at the University of Klagenfurt and member of the Austrian Science Fund FWF doc.funds doctoral school Modeling—Analysis—Optimization is Carinthian of the Day!

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