Hello from the Cybersecurity research group!

Established within the university’s Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC) the Cybersecurity research group goes into it’s second year of activities. The group’s research areas are based within cryptography, statistical machine learning, embedded security, artificial intelligence and deep learning as well as crypto engineering.

The group’s main expertise is in the area of deployment aspects of cryptography. Such aspects are related to information leakage (via side channels), and the detection and prevention of such channels; practical cipher constructions for specific application areas; secure implementation techniques and tools; and the application of machine learning and deep learning in the context of cybersecurity.

The Cybersecurity research group is currently running an ERC funded Consolidator Grant project, titled SEAL („Sound and Early Assessment of Leakage for Embedded Software“). It tackles the challenge to developed tools that are sophisticated enough to predict a range of side channel leakage behaviours for modern processors.

In the last months the team has grown to the number of ten. Currently the group consists of one professor, one lecturer, three postdocs, three PhD students, one technician and one administrator. The group represents five different countries, making work and communication a truly international and cultural experience.

You will find more information here:

And here:

If you are interested to explore collaborations in any shape or form, let’s talk!
Please email to Elisabeth [dot] Oswald [at] aau [dot] at




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