Enforcing security for robotics: Which bolts should be tightened?

To start with, robotics research is mainly about what is feasible. System security is often neglected in the process. Jasmin Wachter, a doctoral student pursuing her doctoral degree in the Karl-Popper-Kolleg “Responsible Safe and Secure Robotic Systems Engineering, SEEROSE”, wants to find out what measures are required to ensure that security for robotics also pays off. 

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Research on qualitative company growth: companies grow in leaps

Most entrepreneurs are aware of the fact that companies do not grow in a linear and continuous fashion. A research team has now investigated not only the catalysts of these entrepreneurial leaps but also what exactly happens in these leaps. The findings have recently been published in the renowned journal “Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice”.

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ICS – Keynote @ ICSOFT 2021

The 16th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2021) will be held from 6th to 8th July 2021 as a virtual event.

O. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Johann Eder, leader of the Information and Communication Systems (ICS) research group, will be one of the keynote speakers.

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Kathrin Spendier models time-dependent processes

Kathrin Spendier models time-dependent processes using stochastic differential equations. She is among the first doctoral students of our FWF doc.funds doctoral school “Modeling -Analysis – Optimization of discrete, continuous, and stochastic systems”.

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