Bitmovin takes on the second classroom sponsorship at the University of Klagenfurt

Bitmovin will be sponsoring a classroom in the area of Computer Science for the next five years, starting in June 2021, and thus continuing the long-standing successful cooperation with the University of Klagenfurt. Going forward, the classroom in the South Wing will bear the name ‘Bitmovin’.

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Podcast von Antenne Kärnten “Wir wollen’s wissen. Wie werden wir in Zukunft arbeiten?” – Episode 3: Kärnten als Arbeitsstandort

„Kärnten ist mäßig attraktiv als Arbeitsstandort“ – das hören wir in der neuesten Podcast-Folge von Antenne Kärnten in Zusammenarbeit mit Experten der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Uni Klagenfurt. Aber durch Home Office & Co ergeben sich neue Chancen für den Arbeitsmarkt. Zum Beispiel können wir irgendwo auf der Welt sitzen – und für eine Kärntner Firma arbeiten. Oder in Kärnten leben – und für ein Unternehmen in Wien tätig sein. Werden sich solche Trends durchsetzen? Das sagen uns Max-Peter Menzel und Norbert Wohlgemuth.

Michaela Szölgyenyi in the press portrait: Stochastic processes and their effects

Whether stock prices, electricity prices, or wind farm yields: Michaela Szölgyenyi deals with ubiquitous coincidences and the mathematical tools that can be used to model them as part of her specialty – namely stochastic differential equations.

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Open Position: Student Researchers / Developers in Cybersecurity

The Cybersecurity research group (, headed by Prof. Elisabeth Oswald, is a relatively new group established in Austria’s sunny south. The group currently features a diverse range of members (from France, Iran, India, and China).

Current members work on topics such as leakage profiling, advanced leakage simulators, attacks (utilizing deep learning), statistical foundations, and hardware aspects of side channels. The group receives funding from the ERC, as well as local funding, and thus offers a supportive research environment (both financially as well as from a human perspective).

The group is looking for support with its ongoing projects via paid student researchers. You could work for us some months, e.g. during the summer (via an internship), or join us for longer (only part-time). We consider students both on bachelor and master courses,provided they are in the areas of computer science, computer engineering, mathematics (if it includes some programming), or statistics/data science (provided you can at least do some scripting).

You do not need to be based in Klagenfurt, working from home is possible.

The projects that we are looking to support require skills in (either)

  • compilers/languages to support the secure implementation of cryptographic primitives, including the use of formal verification tools,
  • machine/deep learning
  • secure implementations (low-level programming, e.g. ARM assembly, RISC-V assembly)
  • software development (C++)

You will work with young scientists from across the globe (the current group members are from France, Iran, India and China), so good English language skills are vital too.

We will appoint multiple researchers, and the starting date is flexible.  Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. To apply please send a brief motivation letter, your CV, and transcripts of records of your MSc/BSc to the contact below.

The rates will depend on your highest level of education: they are at € 1.073,10 per month for a part-time employment.

Please contact Elisabeth [dot] Oswald [at] aau [dot] at for informal inquiries and to submit your application.


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