Heading to Silicon Valley with a degree in Media and Communications

Silke English studied Media and Communications at the University of Klagenfurt. Shortly after graduating, she joined a start-up which later relocated to Silicon Valley, taking her along. Today, she still has a wide range of responsibilities there, and in this interview she tells us how she manages to juggle all of these projects, how much her university degree helped her to start her career and what she still associates with the university today.

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Game developer from Klagenfurt writes best software Master’s thesis

Fabian Schober studied Applied Informatics. Aged 29, he is the founder of a video game studio and the winner of the “Dynatrace Outstanding IT Thesis Award” (DO*IT*TA for short) for his Master’s thesis. His work won out over other submissions from students at the University of Klagenfurt and impressed the jury with its strong practical relevance.

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Online Informationsveranstaltung – ULG Executive MBA New Business & Transformation Management

Am 06. Juli 2021 finden die Online Informationsveranstaltung zum Universitätslehrgang Executive MBA New Business & Transformation Management statt.

Nutzen Sie die Chance berufsbegleitend durch abwechselnde Online- und Präsenz-Formate den höchsten erreichbaren Grad in der Weiterbildung zu erlangen und bewerben Sie sich jetzt für den Start des ULG Executive MBA New Business & Transformation Management im Herbst 2021.

Für weitere Informationen und näheren Details, rund um diesen Lehrgang, bitte HIER klicken.

When Linguistics and Psychology Meet – New Research Project About Questioning Sequences in Coaching

Dr. Eva Graf is currently working on an exciting new research project about questioning sequences in coaching. She is building important groundwork to explore and improve the possibilities in the field of coaching. “In order to standardize coaching or to professionalize coaching, we not only need to know that it works, but we also need to very much know how it works,” says Graf.
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