
Landesrätin Prettner, Lehrgangsleiter Offermanns: Zunehmende Herausforderungen in Pflege- und Gesundheitsorganisationen benötigen auch vermehrt Managementqualitäten – Spezieller Universitätslehrgang startet im Herbst in Klagenfurt – Vier Semester berufsbegleitend KLAGENFURT. „Kaum ein anderer […]

Job advertisement: PROJECT-FUNDED Pre-Doc Position (Doctoral Candidate) or Post-Doc Position

The University of Klagenfurt, with approximately 1,500 employees and over 12,000 students, is located in the Alps-Adriatic region and consistently achieves excellent placements in rankings. The motto “per aspera ad astra” underscores our firm commitment to the pursuit of excellence in all activities in research, teaching and university management. The principles of equality, diversity, health, sustainability and compatibility of work and family life serve as the foundation for our work at the university.


The University of Klagenfurt is pleased to announce the following open position at the Department of Economics, Quantitative Economics Division (QED, Head: Prof. Martin Wagner), at the Faculty of Management and Economics, to commence at the earliest opportunity:



Pre-Doc Position (Doctoral Candidate)
Post-Doc Position

(all genders welcome)

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Geography Workshop Austria 2022 in Vienna || Invitation and Call for Papers

Geography Workshop Austria 2022
„The Grand Challenges“ in Geography

NEW DATE: September 20-21 2022 (in presence)
at the Department of Geography and Regional Research University of Vienna

Call for Papers

Due to the pandemic situation we had to postpone the fifth Geography Workshop Austria on a very short notice. NEW DATE: 20.9. – 21.9.2022.
The Association of Austrian Academic Geography (Geography Association) is organising the fifth Geography Workshop Austria. This biannual event is intended as a format for young re- searchers and is therefore aimed in particular at geographers in the qualification phase (PhD candidates and PostDoc’s), but also invites all senior researchers and research-oriented stu- dents to participate and contribute. The focus is on the discourse of grand challenges within current geographical research topics, which will also be addressed in several keynote lectures of newly appointed professors from the Geography departments of Austrian universities. Dissertation and post-doctoral projects will be introduced via flash talks and presented in a poster session. In complementary workshops, questions of research practice and funding options will be discussed focusing on the requirements of young scientists in Geography.

We are particularly pleased that Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christof GATTRINGER, President of the FWF, as well as the former Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz FASSMANN will participate in a moderated panel discussion on research opportunities in Austria.

The submission of abstracts (preferably in English; incl. title, author name(s) and short sum- mary, all max. 1 page) is open until 1st of June 2022. Please submit your Abstract HERE.
The registration deadline and the availability of the final programme is 30th of June 2022. Most recent details are provided here:

New Colleague @ ICS

We are very happy to welcome our new colleague Aron Sacherer, BSc in the Department of Informatics Systems. Aron Sacherer started his work in the Information and Communication Systems research group as scientific project staff in the project in March, 2022.

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