Old Masters: Exhibition of Australian Indigenous Art

On the occasion of the guest lecture on Australian Indigenous Art, delivered by Ruth Constantine (Second Secretary of the Australian Embassy in Vienna), the Australian Embassy made available an exhibition on traditional indigenous art curated by the National Museum Australia. Under the title of “Old Masters”, the exhibition, which consists of 15 roll-up panels showing traditional bark paintings, can be visited in the corridor on the East side connecting the central with the southern wing of the university. This exhibition is an Austrian premiere and is related to the seminar on Australian Indigenous Literature: Art and Authenticity taught by Daniela Miksche. The exhibition will be displayed until mid-May.

New Publication: Special issue on “Kinship Measurements and Negotiations of Belonging”

Kinship measurements structure economic and political inequalities around the world. Although widespread, they are rarely recognized as such.

Behind seemingly unambiguous measurement results, for example from genetic paternity tests, there are complex processes and many small decisions with major consequences. Indicators of kinship as closeness or similarity are invented and established through persuasive visualizations; units of measurement (such as degrees of relatedness on genealogies) are defined differently; evidence is collected, hidden or destroyed, admitted or rejected; different measurements are combined or played off against each other; thresholds of exclusion are raised or lowered. All of these practices have–potentially devastating consequences—on negotiations of belonging: family, ethnicity, nationality, “race,” and even humanity itself.

The special issue “Measuring Kinship” (Social Analysis 65:4), edited by Christof Lammer (Klagenfurt) and Tatjana Thelen (Vienna), examines this productivity of kinship measurements in seven contributions from Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. These shed light on measurements behind immigration restrictions and forced sterilization, inclusive redefinitions of nationality, insurance benefits for victims of traffic accidents, health risk assessments, and decisions about inheritance and care benefits. The variety of measurements in bureaucracy, law, medicine and ritual show that ultimately almost everything has been or could be turned into indicators of kinship: from the similarity of names, blood groups and DNA to the number of toothbrushes in the bathroom or toxic chemicals in the body.

The entire special issue is freely accessible here.

Christof Lammer is a social anthropologist and postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Science, Technology and Society Studies at the University of Klagenfurt.

Aktuelle DVAG-Angebote für Studierende

Der Deutsche Verband für angewandte Geographie (DVAG)

bietet Online-Berufsfeldveranstaltungen und einen 2-tägigen Coaching-Workshop zum Berufseinstieg für Geograph*innen (Anmeldung und weitere Informationen hier: https://geographie-dvag.de/events/berufseinstieg-geographie-04-2022/) an.

Eine Übersicht über alle Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier: INFORMATIONSPLAKAT.

EINLADUNG: Online-Vorträge und Workshop am 13.5.22, 15-18 Uhr || 21st Century Skills: Zukunftsweisende Kompetenzen in der fachlichen und fachdidaktischen Ausbildung im Unterrichtsfach Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde

Vorträge und Workshops

zum Thema

„21st Century Skills:
Zukunftsweisende Kompetenzen
in der fachlichen und fachdidaktischen Ausbildung
im Unterrichtsfach Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde“



Wann? 13.05.2022 | 15 – 18 Uhr
Wo? Online via BBB Webinar (Link folgt nach Anmeldung)
Link zur Anmeldung: https://forms.gle/sp449FDdSNMcWWYb8