WiWi_Guest Lecture: “Good Governance: Practices of Local Development from Ukraine”, Dr. Mariia Rastvorova, 8th June, 4:15 p.m.

Good Governance: Practices of Local Development from Ukraine

Wednesday, 8th June 2022
4:15 p.m.
HS 3
or online: https://classroom.aau.at/b/sag-pdl-7ki-cmb


Registration is requested. Please send an e-mail to: geo [at] aau [dot] at

Poster of the Guest Lecture

Asking for donations
We really ask you to make any charity donation to help the foundation: Impulse.UA to support Ukrainian people.

The presentation discusses the successful cases of local development of those territorial communities in Ukraine where Dr. Rastvorova used to work as an expert for local development in the period of 2020-2021. Dr. Rastvorova talks about the Ukrainian context of local and regional development, the implementation of decentralization reforms, and the results of two big projects on local development in different regions of Ukraine, covering in total 12 territorial communities. She gives an update on how these territorial communities manage to resist in the situation of the current war and how they apply the implemented practices of good governance nowadays.

Dr. Mariia Rastvorova is an Associate Professor of the University of Economics “KROK” (Kyiv, Ukraine) and is currently a visiting fellow at the University of Graz. She holds a PhD in Human Geography, and her thesis was dedicated to the city development management of industrial cities, and the respective roles of territorial identity and civil engagement in local development. Dr. Rastvorova has gained a second Master degree in Public Administration and works both as a researcher and practitioner in the fields of tourism, regional and local development, and local branding. She has been engaged as an expert in various international projects on the development of territorial communities and works as a PR-manager for the touristic development of Kyiv.

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