Compulsory work experience
Regulations – Bachelor’s degree programme
“Media and Communications” (Version 2016/17)
Within the framework of the degree programme, a relevant work placement (max. in two parts) in the professional fields described in Section 2, Paragraph 2 equivalent to 12 ECTS credits is to be carried out. This corresponds to 300 hours of work, for which evidence must be provided. Acceptance is to be clarified with the programme director prior to commencement of the work placement. In principle, a work placement carried out before the start of the study programme can be accepted.
A semester abroad carried out within the framework of the study programme can also be accepted as a work placement. This must also be clarified with the programme director prior to commencement of the work placement.
Section 2, Paragraph 2: The fields of activity and professional fields open to graduates of the Bachelor’s degree programme Media and Communications include, in particular: Media and communications research, media and communications consultancy, media and communications management, organisational communication, media and public relations, media development, as well as the creative industries, media education and media literacy fields.
Regulations – Bachelor’s degree programme
“Media and Communications” (Version 2009/10)
A relevant eight-week work experience placement must be carried out, which corresponds to 300 hours of work. This can be from any of the following professional fields:
Media and communications research, media and communications consultancy, media development and organisational communication (cf. Curriculum BA MC Section 1, Paragraph 3). The job service of the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt can be used for assistance when trying to find a work experience placement. After completing the work experience placement, the experiences will be reflected on in theory and writing in a thematically suitable seminar from module 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 or in a workshop from module 9.

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan