Become part of the lively multilingualism of the Summer School Bovec and experience the linguistic and cultural diversity of the Alps-Adriatic region!

For details about the application process, costs, scholarships, upcoming theme and programme schedule attend our online Info Sessions:
- 27.03.25 14:00-15:00 online SUMMER SCHOOL BOVEC Info Session | Highlights & Scholarships
- 09.04.25 14:00-15:00 online SUMMER SCHOOL BOVEC Info Session | Highlights & Scholarships
The Summer School Bovec 2025 final programme will be published soon!
For your information, please view the preliminary schedule*
*subject to change
Intensive language courses
- German for beginners
- German for advanced learners
- Slovenian for beginners
- Slovenian for advanced learners
- Italian for beginners
- Italian for advanced learners
- Croatian for beginners
- Croatian for advanced learners
- Friulian for beginners
Workshops on the 2025 general topic
Language café & language swap
Film, music, games & literary evenings
Upon successful completion of the Summer School, participants will be awarded 3 ECTS credits points.
Hotel Alp, Bovec/Slovenia
Hotel website:
- full board
- double room (to encourage language swap)
For more information about the location please visit the Soča Valley/City of Bovec tourism website.
Students from partner universities
Information on deadline, costs and scholarships are provided directly by the university of reference. Please contact the refence person indicated in the APPLICATION section below.
Students from Austrian universities and other Higher Education institutions
For information on costs and scholarships please refer to the German language website.
Applicants must fulfil the following prerequisites:
- be regularly enrolled at one of the partner universities in Slovenia, Italy, Croatia or at Austrian universities or other Austrian Higher Education institutions.
- actively take examinations (at least 8 ECTS credits in WS 2024/25, or at least 5 ECTS credits on average in the last three semesters) or actively conducting research (PhD/Doctorate)
- have a good knowledge of one of the Summer School languages: Slovene, Italian, Croatian, German and/or Friulan, and an interest in learning or improving on another of these languages during the Summer School.
Application process for students from partner universities:
Please get in touch with the contact person listed:
- Univerza v Ljubljani-Filozofska fakulteta, ga. Anja Golec: Golec [at] ff [dot] uni-lj [dot] si
- Univerza na Primorskem, Prof. Dr. David Bizjak: david [dot] bizjak [at] fhs [dot] upr [dot] si
- Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci, Associate Professor Željka Macan, PhD: zmacan [at] ffri [dot] uniri [dot] hr
- Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci, Tanja Diklić, lector: tanja [dot] diklic [at] ffri [dot] uniri [dot] hr
- Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku, univ.-doc. dr. Stephanie Jug: sjug [at] ffos [dot] hr
- Università degli Studi di Trieste, dott.ssa Elisa Domenis: elisa [dot] domenis [at] amm [dot] units [dot] it
- Università degli Studi di Udine, Sig.ra Cristina Protto: cristina [dot] protto [at] uniud [dot] it
- Università degli Studi di Udine, Prof. ssa Sonja Kuri: sonja [dot] kuri [at] uniud [dot] it
Application process for students from Austrian universities and other Higher Education institutions:
Fill out and sign the APPLICATION FORM, which you can find on the German language website and send it together with the required documents to: summerschool [dot] bovec [at] aau [dot] at
Academic Director: Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Cristina Beretta, MA
Kindly supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Contact & information
Dott.mag. Fiorenza Ninin
summerschool [dot] bovec [at] aau [dot] at
+43 463 2700 9255
This was the Summer School Bovec 2024 Programme
Summer School Bovec 2024 media coverage:
„O kulturi, družbi in okolju v Bovcu“, Interview mit Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristina Beretta, ORF Volksgruppen/Slovenci, 09.07.2024, ob 15.24, URL: (Radio and internet interview, German and Slovenian)
„Avenâl 16.07.2024 Scuele d’Istât a Bovec“, Intervista con Cristina Beretta e Aurora Garzitto), Radio Onde Furlane, 16.07.2024, URL:–60704337 (Radio, Italian & Friulian)
„Poletna šola Bovec praznuje 30 let“, Interview mit Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristina Beretta und Dr. Tatjana Vučajnk, Radio Agora, Sendetermin | Čas oddajanja: 17.7.2024 10:15; Oblikovanje I Gestaltung: Jaka Novak, URL: (Radio, German and Slovenian)
„Polna tri desetletja Poletne šole Bovec“, In: novi matajur. Tednik slovencev videnske pokraijne. Št. 27 Čedad, sreda 17. julija 2024, s. 7. (Article, Slovenian)
„Alpen-Adria in einer Person“, von Tina Perisutti, 11.07.2024, Kleine Zeitung, URL: (German)
„Tri desetletja Poletne šole v Bovcu“, 04. 07. 2024, ORF Volksgruppen/Slovenci, URL: (Slovenian)
„Poletna šola Bovec letos s 30. izvedbo“, 16.07.2024, URL: Primorskival, (Slovenian)
„30 let Poletne Šole v Bovcu. Nekoč vojna fronta je danes mesto učenja in prijateljstva“, Novice, 20.07.2024 (Newspaper article, Slovenian)
„30 LET POLETNE ŠOLE V BOVCU“, Občina Bovec, 14. 07. 2024, URL:, (Slovenian)
„Poletna šola v Bovcu 2024“, Občina Bovec, 14. 05. 2024, URL:, (Slovenian)
„30. Sommerkolleg in Bovec: Culture, Society and the Environment“, News-Portal der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, 26. 04. 2024, URL: (German)
„Priznanje za uspešno sodelovanje pri Poletni šoli Bovec“, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, 19. 07. 2024 URL: (Slovenian)
„30 Jahre Sommerkolleg Bovec: Ein Jubiläum der Mehrsprachigkeit“, 19. 07. 2024, News-Portal der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, URL: (German)
„30 Years of Summer School Bovec: A Jubilee of Multilingualism“, 22. 07. 2024, News-Portal der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, URL: (English)


Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan