AAU Glasgang Brücke West

Students from 100 countries & staff from 50 countries worldwide contribute to the distinctive and vibrant atmosphere of our campus.

Internationalisation & mobility

Internationality is “intrinsic to universities”. The university can fulfil its legal obligations to development and education through science only through international exchange and dialogue and an internationally oriented education offer. For the University of Klagenfurt, internationalisation is a mission and process that encompasses all areas of the university’s tasks and requires efforts in a variety of fields. In the area of teaching, AAU’s internationalisation efforts are primarily aimed at increasing its attractiveness as a place to study for international students, providing the best possible support for international mobility and promoting the development of the campus into a place of lived plurality, diversity and inter- and transcultural dialogue.

The measures taken to promote internationality are aimed at fostering international exchange and dialogue, maintaining and expanding international strategic cooperation, an appropriate international orientation of the education offering of the respective specialisation discipline, and the further internationalisation of curricula, including the expansion of joint international study programmes.

In addition to the quantitative dimension (increasing the mobility of students, lecturers and administrative staff), the focus is also on the qualitative development of existing services, as well as the provision of offers for the acquisition and development of inter-/transcultural competences and foreign language skills on site, which can be especially beneficial for (still) underrepresented groups in mobility programmes.

Core fields of internationalisation in the area of teaching as well as defined goals and measures to achieve them are indicated in the Internationalisation Strategy (Education).

Internationalisation has been an essential trait of universities since their very foundation. The University of Klagenfurt’s geographic location means that internationalisation is of particular significance. Based in a city where three different cultures meet, the university is well-placed to deliver research and teaching on an international level.

Study abroad

Each academic year approximately 200 students from the University of Klagenfurt take advantage of Erasmus+, Joint-Study and general study abroad scholarships to learn new languages and to experience different cultures and life in another country.

Studierende in einer Reihe
Gruppe von Studierenden vor dem Haupteingang der Universität Klagenfurt

International students at the University of Klagenfurt

Each academic year the University of Klagenfurt hosts more than 200 exchange students. Approximately two thirds of students rate their study abroad at the University of Klagenfurt as “Excellent”. In their study abroad feedback surveys, almost every incoming student said that they would recommend a semester abroad at the University of Klagenfurt.


international students


cooperations with partner universities


countries to explore

Selected partner universities

Garten mit großer Palme im Vordergrund, im Hintergrund sandsteinfarbene Gebäude

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Córdoba, Argentina

The Universidad Nacional de Córdoba was founded by the Jesuits in 1613. It is the oldest university in Argentina and one of the first universities in Latin America. Over 180,000 students benefit from more than a hundred research centres, 25 libraries, 17 museums and two astronomical observatories. Córdoba, the second most populous city in the country after Buenos Aires, is the industrial and cultural centre of the central region – and a popular destination for many tourists, not only because of its numerous colonial-era buildings, which have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000.

Exchange programme

Hauptplatz von Zagreb mit Sonnenschirmen, im Hintergrund die Kathedrale mit zwei hohen Türmen

University of Zagreb

Zagreb, Croatia

The University of Zagreb is the largest and oldest university in south-east Europe – founded as a Jesuit academy, it was granted the status and privileges of a university by Emperor Leopold I of Habsburg in 1669. Currently over 68,000 students are enrolled at the University of Zagreb, who benefit from the university’s wide range of subjects. The capital of Croatia also has a lot to offer, it is the largest city in Croatia and boasts numerous sights, including the richly decorated 13th century cathedral, which is the city’s landmark.

Exchange programme
Erasmus+: Business Administration, Economics and Law, Geography and Regional Studies, History, Information Management, International Business and Economics, International Management, Slavic Studies

Blick auf nebelverhangene Hügellandschaft, im Vordergrund Bäume, die in sandigem Boden stehen

University of New England

Armidale, Australia

The University of New England was granted university status in 1954, making it a comparatively young institution with around 23,000 students currently studying there. The main campus is located in the city of Armidale, in the north of the state of New South Wales, around five hours’ drive from Sydney. The city is located in Australia’s largest highland region, the Northern Tablelands: Numerous peaks over 1,000 metres high characterise the area; the eastern escarpments of the Tablelands offer spectacular gorges, rainforests and waterfalls, which are protected in more than 25 national parks, three of which have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Exchange programme

At the University of Klagenfurt the world is at your fingertips! The University of Klagenfurt offers study and work abroad options to its staff and students via exchange programmes such as Erasmus+ and Joint-Study, work placements and summer schools.

Support & advice

The University of Klagenfurt’s International Office is available to answer any questions you might have about internationalisation & mobility in the field of teaching and education. The International Office advises the University of Klagenfurt’s incoming and outgoing students in mobility programmes.

The International Office also supports scientific and administrative members of the University of Klagenfurt staff who partcipate in an Erasmus+ mobility.

Further information on the Erasmus+ Programm at the University of Klagenfurt:

Erasmus Charta of the University of Klagenfurt

Erasmus Policy of the University of Klagenfurt


Office hours:

Monday – Thursday 09:00 – 11:00

and by appointment.

Location: Universitätsstraße 65-67, Osttrakt (East wing), 1st floor
E-Mail: internationales [at] aau [dot] at


Menschen auf der Bibliotheksbrücke

An internationally-recognised certificate is the best way of proving your language skills. The University of Klagenfurt’s partnership with the British Council Austria means students can sit IELTS examinations at the University of Klagenfurt. IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. Register now!

Further information

Work & research abroad


The University of Klagenfurt has many options for researchers and other university staff who would like to work and conduct research abroad.

Interested in programmes and courses aimed at international students?

Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference

The Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC) is a union of 36 universities from the Alps/Adriatic area and has included the Western Balkans since 2011. Further information.

Logo der Alpen-Adria-Rektor:innenkonferenz

Carinthian International Club (CIC)

The CIC supports international staff and their families to settle in Carinthia. Information, support and advice are offered through regular events on a variety of different topics. Further information