Degree programmes at our department

Bachelor of Education – English
In the Bachelor programme “Teacher Training” students are required to choose two subjects to study. These can either be two teaching subjects or one teaching subject and a specialization including pedagogy. The programme is comprised of the first teaching subject (95 ECTS), the chosen second teaching subject (95 ECTS), the basic didactic skills (bildungswissenschaftlichen Grundlagen) (40 ECTS), the free electives (5 ECTS), and the Bachelor thesis (5 ECTS).
The Bachelor programme consists of various subject-specific and ELT related elements of teacher training. In addition to the general pedagogical classes, the Teacher Training Programme also offers a number of discipline-specific, ELT related and practical classes focusing on English Language, Literature and Culture. The linguistic part of the programme aims to establish a basic understanding of the development, structure and use of the English language. In the literary part of the programme students work with Anglophone literary texts with a particular focus on British and US-American literature. In addition, students learn about Anglophone cultures, media, and arts both in terms of historical and contemporary perspectives.
Duration: 8 Semesters
ECTS: 240
Level of Qualification: Bachelor Teacher Training
Degree: Bachelor of Education (BEd)
Prerequisites: Yes
Supplemental examinations: Yes
Entrance examination: Yes, General teacher training admission
Language of instruction: English, German
Bachelor Worlds of English
English is by far the most spoken language across the world with almost 2 billion first and second language speakers. In addition, English is the principal common language internationally and the world’s foremost global language. Are you also fascinated by the worlds of English languages and cultures?
Why not become an intercultural expert of language, literature, and culture and join the Bachelor's degree programme Worlds of English!
Are you fascinated by the English language or English literatures and cultures? For fans of English, we can offer a Bachelor‘s degree programme that will teach you comprehensive knowledge and skills: Firstly, you will learn the English language to a very high standard and will be able to see through its structures and functions. In this way, you will not only become proficient as a speaker and writer of English, but you will also learn how the language develops, diversifies and is used for specific effects and purposes.
Secondly, we will also introduce you to the cultures of the anglophone countries. We look at what shaped these countries historically and what their cultural position is today. The benefits to you are clear: Nowadays, intercultural skills are considered to be key competences which you can rely on throughout your professional life!
Graduates of the Bachelor‘s programme Worlds of English become experts in the English language, linguistics, literature and in anglophone cultures. Students learn in direct exchange with our internationally respected lecturers and scholars of English, not only in Klagenfurt, but also in English-speaking countries. Would you like to improve your English alongside the canals of Birmingham? Or maybe you are drawn to multicultural Hong Kong or the University of New England in Armidale, Australia? We strongly encourage all our students to spend part of their studies in anglophone regions and have excellent contacts to facilitate these exchanges. Discover the English (language) worlds for yourself, and you’ll soon become a versatile expert! The language skills you acquire will serve you well all your life!
Studienform: Bachelor's degree programme
Akademischer Grad:
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
General university entrance qualification, knowledge of English B2
Master Worlds of English
The Master‘s programme in Worlds of English teaches theoretical and practical skills in the English language as well as in a range of specialist and general professionally relevant subjects. Depending on the selected specialisation, students deepen their knowledge in the spheres of Applied Linguistics or in Literary and Culture Studies.
Upon completion of their studies, M.A. degree holders are not only endowed with subject-specific knowledge and skills, which serve as a basis for a career as researcher, but they are also equipped with the cultural, methodological, and factual knowledge required to perform responsible activities in economics, politics, in the arts and in the cultural sphere.
Studienform: Master's degree programme
Akademischer Grad:
Master of Arts (MA)
Master programme Game Studies & Engineering
The new Master’s degree programme Game Studies and Engineering is an interdisciplinary programme, instructing students on technical as well as analytical and ethical issues regarding video- and other games. Students with a bachelor degree in Computer Sciences or/and Humanities, an interest in the development, analysis, critical reflection of videogames and proficiency in spoken and written English, are encouraged to enroll in this programme. The focus of the curriculum is on the the multifold nature and contextualisation of games with regard to an array of different but interconnected areas of investigation.
The programme provides students with a platform to learn, study, and create games and multimedia applications. Engaged and motivated teachers and bottom-up teaching methods will involve students in game studies and game engineering and production. The practical nature of the program will be underpinned by a project semester as an integral part of the curriculum and international partners – including universities and companies – will connect students beyond campus limits.
Duration: 4 Semesters
ECTS: 120
Level of Qualification: Master’s Degree Programme
Degree: Master of Science (MSc) or Master of Arts (MA)
Prerequisites: Yes
Supplemental examinations: Yes
Entrance examination: Yes
Language of instruction: English
If you are interested in pursuing a doctorate in English and American Studies, please approach one of the professors who supervise dissertations in the following research fields. You need to find a supervisor before you enroll in the university’s Doctoral Degree Programme.
Literature and Culture Studies
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Helbig M.A
Assoc.-Prof. Mag. Dr. René Reinhold Schallegger
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexa Weik von Mossner
Language and Linguistics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Onysko
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Graf
Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Günther Sigott
Prof. Dr. Marta Degani
Language Teaching
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Delanoy
Detailed information about the university’s Doctoral Degree Programme can be found here.
Classes offered
The Department of English has many classes on offer. Clicking on the link below will lead you to the current offerings, including full class descriptions.
Important information on …
Placement test
Academic papers
Old curricula
Fachprüfungen (FPs)
Lists of equivalent courses
Study abroad
Schedule of classes

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan