Delanoy, Werner. 2021. “Dialogue, Drama and English Language Education.” In: Drama in Foreign Language Education: Texts and Performances, edited by Christiane Lütge and Max von Blanckenburg, 169-90. Wien and Zürich: LIT.
Gömceli, Nursen. 2020. “‘Emotionally Stunted Anarchists’ or ‘Simply Teenagers’? An Alternative Reading of Enda Walsh’s Disco Pigs (1996)”. Söylem Filoloji Dergisi 5 (2): 578-96.
Gömceli, Nursen. 2017. “Language and Physicality in Enda Walsh’s Disco Pigs (1996): A Postdramatic Analysis.” In The Polyphony of English Studies, edited by Alexander Onysko, Eva-Maria Graf, Werner Delanoy, Guenther Sigott, and Nikola Dobrić, 261-76. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag.
Gömceli, Nursen, and Allan James. 2015. “Hiberno-English and Beyond in J.M.Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World: A Literary Linguistic Analysis of its Dramatic Significance.” Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 40 (1-2): 105-25.
Gömceli, Nursen. 2015. “We Laugh A Lot When Mum’s Away: The Production of The Walworth Farce in Turkey.” In The Theatre of Enda Walsh, edited by Mary P. Caulfield and Ian R. Walsh, 201-14. Dublin: Carysfort Press.
James, Allan. 2020. “Linguistic Layering and the Play Semiotics of Postdramatic (and Dramatic) Theatre: The Case of Disco Pigs by Enda Walsh.” AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 45 (2): 109–38.
James, Allan, and Nursen Gömceli. 2018. “The Textual Analysis of Dramatic Discourse Revisited: Linguistic Layers and the (Social) Semiotics of Play-Constitutive and Play-Realisational Elements.” English Text Construction 11 (2): 199-24. 10.1075/etc.00009.jam.
James, Allan. 2010. “Gemeinschaft, Identität und Sprache: Wales und Irland als soziolinguistische Räume [Community, Identity and Language: Wales and Ireland as Sociolinguistic Spaces].” In Sprachlandschaften: Regionale Literaturwissenschaft im europäischen Kontext, edited by Reinhard Kacianka and Johann Strutz, 132-45. Klagenfurt: Hermagoras.
Kompein, Nina. 2018. “The Claddagh: The Visualisation of Irishness in a Local Irish Pub outside of Ireland and the Intentionality and Awareness Thereof.” Anthropos (Ljubljana) 50 (3-4): 97-126. (Based on a seminar paper supervised by Allan James.)
Pichler, Anastasia. 2015. “Social and Political Discourse in Sean O’Casey’s Juno and the Paycock: A Linguistic and Literary Analysis of the Play’s Language.” MA Thesis, University of Klagenfurt. (Supervised by Allan James.)

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