D!ARC Network
D!ARC net:work is intended as an open and interdisciplinary event for all disciplines and diverse academic levels. In particular, we provide a space for PhD candidates – to meet, to discuss and also to present work. PhD candidates will get feedback on ongoing work, or even first ideas for a potential research project from an interdisciplinary community.
We aim at fostering discussions and building an interdisciplinary community throughout the University of Klagenfurt around the topic of “Humans in the Digital Age” and related questions.
The meeting is divided into two parts. In the first part (ca. 1h), a PhD student will give us a short input into their work (20 min. max), followed by input from a discussant and a general discussion. The second part of the meeting (1⁄2 hour) will be used for informal exchange and networking between the different participants.
In order to keep the meeting open and friendly, we follow the idea of a brown bag lunch. Feel free to bring your own food! Cookies will be provided by D!ARC.
The event will be in English.

Upcoming Events WS 2024/25
November 5th 2024 at 11:45 in V.1.07.
Johannes Kröger, BA MA (Institut für Kulturanalyse, IFK – Abteilung Empirische Kulturwissenschaft/Kulturanthropologie)
“The Codec of Celovec: Exploring Local Climate (Re-)Actions and Their Implications”
Events SS 2024
June 25 th 2024 14.00-16.00 HS Kosuta
Univ.-Ass. Mag. Markus Alfred Wieser (Institute for Informatics Didactics)
Title: “AI in Programming Education“
Past Events
November 7th 2023 02:00-03:30 pm S.0.05
Titel: “Manufacturing sustainability: A critique of the socio-technical construction of marketing insights”
June 4 th 2024 11.45 – 13.15 HS Kosuta (S.2.05 in case of rain)
Univ.-Ass. Tom Tuček, Bsc. Msc.
Titel: “Interaction with Artificially Intelligent Digital Humans”
Dezember 12th 2023 12:30-02:00 pm V.1.34
Dipl.-Ing. Serkan Ergun, BSc
(Department of Smart System Technologies (SST) – Sensors, Actuators & Modular Robotics (SmArT) Group)
Titel: “Increasing Safety in Pyhsical Human-Robot Interaction (pHRI) with Capacitive Proximity and Tactile Sensors“
Oktober 17th 2023 1:30-3:00 pm – Inspire Lab / Lakesidespitz B12a
Dipl.-Ing. Jasmin Wachter, BSc, BA from Institut Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity / Forschungsprojekt ‘Responsible Safe and Secure Robotic Systems Engineering (SEEROSE)’
Title: “Game Theory and Cybersecurity- Applications, Challenges, Limits”
June 13th 2023 1:00-2:30 pm in Outdoor HS Kosuta (in case of rain: N.2.57)
Aakash Chowdhury, MSc (Cybersecurity Research Group)
Title: “Statistical Tools and Techniques in Side-channel Cryptanalysis”
May 23rd 2023 3:00-4:30 pm in Gartensaal / Schloss Loretto
Univ.-Ass. Varvara Arzt MA BA
Titel: “Approaches towards Biographical Information Extraction”
28. March 2023 13:00-14:30Uhr Outdoor HS Kosuta (in case of rain HS 8)
Roland Peball BA MA
Titel: “Playing Imitation Games – Impressions and perspectives from contemporary AI-discourse(s)”
15. November 13-14.30 Uhr im Sustainability Lab/Lakesidepark
Nima Mahdion Ph.D.
Titel: “Secure and efficient software implementations of cryptographic primitives”
18. August 13-14.30 Uhr Outdoor HS Kosuta
Gabriel Grill from Michigan University (USA)
Titel “Constructing Certainty in Machine Learning: On the performativity of accuracy and its hold on the future”
23. Juni 13-14.30 Uhr: Thomas Marquet
31. Mai 13-14.30 Uhr: Mathias Jesse (Doctoral School DECIDE, D!ARC)
12. Mai 13-14.30 Uhr: Miriam Fahimi (NoBIAS Project, D!ARC)
6. April 10:30-12:00 Uhr: Kristen M. Scott (KU Leuven, Austausch mit D!ARC)

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan