Bachelor's & Master's theses
Bachelor’s thesis
As part of the Bachelor’s Seminar “Marketing and International Management”, you can write a Bachelor’s thesis at the Department of MIM. Each semester has a special focus. In the first block date, “Introduction and organizational matters,” a number of possible topics will be presented by the course director, Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sonja Bidmon. You are also welcome to submit your own topic suggestions for your Bachelor’s thesis.
Prerequisites for Applied Business Administration Bachelor’s program 2012:
- Completion of empirical social and economic research methods
- Completion of SE from empirical social research
- Completion of VO Marketing 1
- Completion of VK Marketing 2
Prerequisites according to the curriculum for the Bachelor’s degree program in Business Administration 2018 § 13:
- Completion of Methods of Social and Economic Sciences
- Completion of sociology seminar
- Completion of all courses from the elective subject to which the Bachelor’s thesis is assigned
Elective subject “Marketing and International Management”
- SBWL Marketing I
- SBWL Marketing II
- SBWL Marketing III
“In addition to the Bachelor’s thesis, a seminar [see Bachelor’s Seminar above] worth 2 ECTS-Credits must be completed, the content of which is assigned to the compulsory elective subject bundle I (§ 10 (1)). A Bachelor’s thesis must be completed as part of this seminar.” (see Curriculum BW 2018 § 14 (2))

Master’s thesis
As part of the Applied Business Administration Master’s program, you can write your Master’s thesis at the Department of MIM. You can choose your topic from a topic list.
Requirements for Applied Business Administration Master’s program 2012:
- 45 ECTS credits
- All courses from the Marketing program
Prerequisites according to the curriculum for the Master’s degree program in Business Administration 2022 §13:
- At least 45 ECTS credits
- All courses from the elective subject “Marketing and International Management”
“The topic of the Master’s thesis must be assignable to one of the selected compulsory electives (§ 9).” (see §13)
Elective subject “Marketing and International Management”
- Advanced Marketing 1
- Advanced Marketing 2
- Advanced Marketing 3
Ongoing topic assignment:
Topic list and process of requesting a topic
Participation in the seminar on the Master’s thesis MIM Part 1 is generally also possible before the topics are assigned. The requirement for participating in the seminar on the Master’s thesis MIM Part 2 is that the topic has been developed in an advanced manner.
Confirmation of topic
Please note: You will only receive a definitive confirmation of your topic once you have submitted a concept/draft and this has been accepted by the supervisor(s), as well as by submitting this application for supervision of a Master’s thesis electronically in ZEUS and the electronic approval of your supervisor(s).
Application for supervision of the Master’s thesis and submission of the Master’s thesis
Here you will find information about the application for supervision and submission of Master’s theses.
The submission format of the Master’s thesis (online and/or printed) must be agreed with the supervisor(s).
The following forms are available (partially in German):

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