Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC): News in English

Tag Archive for: darc

Who do we make good decisions with?

Every day, whenever we make decisions, be it in our professional or personal lives, we are faced with complicated challenges that we cannot always master alone, but manage rather more effectively in a team. Dario Blanco Fernandez, doctoral student at the doctoral school DECIDE (Decision-making in a digital environment), seeks to find out how people collaborate when it comes to solving tasks together and reaching (good) decisions. Read more

More artificial intelligence for smart meters

Intelligent electricity meters offer insights into smart homes – benefiting the residents. Where older people live alone, their electricity consumption data can be used to determine whether they are in good health. They can also help us to reduce the risk of high electricity bills. As a doctoral student at the DECIDE doctoral school, Hafsa Bousbiat is researching models that make optimal use of the new possibilities.

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Keeping communication safe in the future

Sending e-mails, paying bills, or keeping up with friends on social media: Our daily communication behaviour is increasingly shifting into the realm of the Internet, giving rise to numerous questions of safety and risk. Acting as a translator between theory and real life, applied cryptography seeks to provide some of the answers.   

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The University of Klagenfurt makes the first professorial appointment to the Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC): Elisabeth Oswald, who specializes in researching cybersecurity, arrives in Klagenfurt

Step by step, the University of Klagenfurt is steadily expanding its activities in the new research area “Humans in the Digital Age”. The appointment of Elisabeth Oswald (University of Bristol) represents an important milestone in this endeavour. As an applied cryptographer, Elisabeth Oswald works at the interface between mathematics and computer science. In her research, she focuses especially on the cryptographic aspects of cybersecurity.

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