KARRIEREWEGE: “Artificial intelligence is currently all the rage”

In the latest edition of the panel discussion KARRIEREWEGE about 50 students dove headfirst into the rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence with all its advantages and challenges. With great interest, successful graduates from various technical study programmes of the University of Klagenfurt talked about their career entry and gave valuable tips for career planning. The event was moderated by Aya Safan, software engineer and informatics student of the University of Klagenfurt.

If all the questions from the audience had been answered, the event KARRIEREWEGE on June 12, 2024 would probably have lasted until midnight. Not only many students of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, but also students from a wide range of degree programmes (e.g. informatics, mathematics, information and communications engineering) seized the opportunity to gain insights into professional life with artificial intelligence. The event was a great success in terms of reflection on theory and practice, professional exchange as well as networking.

Although the panellists largely completed different studies and had different approaches to artificial intelligence, they gave similar tips when looking back on their personal career paths:

  • A strong foundation in mathematics, statistics and software development is the best way to go about a career in the ever-changing field of artificial intelligence.
  • Seek mentorship, ask colleagues and peers questions, there is no need to be shy about it.
  • The joint campus of the University of Klagenfurt and Lakeside Park is an ideal environment to found a company. Startups and young entrepreneurs are supported well (i.e. funding, personal support).
  • A university degree provides a wide array of tools that help you solve problems you encounter in your working life. It is the best qualification for an entry-level-job.
  • AI is currently all the rage and is often seen as a “panacea” in the industry. In practice, classic mathematical or statistical methods are sometimes better suited to solving problems.
  • Even if it might not be obvious at first, everything you learn at university today and the capability to problem-solve will help you succeed in your career journey in the future.

Special thanks go to the panellists of “KARRIEREWEGE: Your career in the field of Artificial Intelligence”:

Simon Breuss | Kestrel Eye
Head of Software Development
Marija Gojkovic | Lakeside Labs
AI Researcher
Barbara Pedretscher | Fraunhofer Austria
Group lead Applied Data Science & Statistics
Davide Righini | PiktID
CEO & Co-founder
Mohamed Salem | Infineon Technologies
Senior R&D Specialist in AI/ML, Digitalization and CoDesign & Software Architect

The Alumni Network and Career Services of the University of Klagenfurt are looking forward to the next KARRIEREWEGE edition in the winter semester of 2024!