“I used every summer for an internship.”
Corinna Kuttnigg originally comes from the “Wild West” of Styria and began her studies at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt in 2007 after her graduation from school. After completing her studies, she joined the radio station Antenne Kärnten and has been through a variety of career stages there. Currently, Corinna Kuttnig is responsible for the news from Carinthia. In an interview she looks back on her studies and reminisces about her life.
Do you remember an anecdote from your studies?
I had a course once and when I arrived in the room, I forgot that it was exam day. Of course, I was not prepared! The lecturer was so nice that I could repeat the exam a week later. The second time I did not forget to study.
Can you recall any special moment of your first week at AAU?
Back then, I lived in a student hall across from the university. That is why, in the beginning, I did not meet any locals at all, only students from Styria or Germany. So, I could not answer my family’s question about what people from Carinthia are like.
How did you land at your current job, the radio?
I used every summer for an internship. Even though I would have liked to go to the lake more often, I always thought “at some point it will pay off”. And that is what happened. I came to Antenne Kärnten through an internship too.
What does your work life look like and what is it that you particularly like about it?
Every day I select the news that concern our federal state, I prepare them and record them live. In between I talk to politicians or the police on the phone – always looking out for Carinthia’s next top topic.
Have your studies been helpful for your current job?
During my studies I learned to work and organise independently, which is of benefit to me every day in my job. I also learned to think critically. Without this ability, my job would actually be unthinkable. The seminars on media ethics have also helped me a lot.
Are there situations where you think back to your studies or certain situations at the AAU?
Most often, I think of the famous quote that all first-semester Media and Communication students learn: “One cannot not communicate” by Paul Watzlawick. On the radio, too, it has a certain effect if you do not comment on interview statements, for example, and just leave them there.
Do you still feel connected to Klagenfurt and the AAU?
I still live next door to the university, do sports at the USI and eat at the Uniwirt. So, the connection is never completely cancelled. At some point, I might even finish my second degree in Romance Studies, which I successfully put on hold in 2012.
Why did you study here, what were your motivations back then?
I really wanted to study journalism and the choice between Vienna and Klagenfurt was easy for me at the time. The big city cannot compete with the advantages of Wörthersee.
You studied Media and Communications. Would you choose to do so again?
I graduated in Media and Communications and took a second degree in Romance Studies. And yes, I would definitely do the same thing again. A language as a second degree always pays off. That is how you can show off at the beach bar when you are on holidays.
Would you study at the University of Klagenfurt again?
Definitely. Spending the breaks between courses at the beach volleyball court or at the lake have added the well-known “icing on the cake” to my studies.
Is there anything you still own from your student time?
An infinite number of photos with friends from all over the world – thanks Erasmus!
Do you miss anything from your time at the AAU?
The casual atmosphere at the university and long “writing nights” in the 24-hour library.
What advice would you give to today’s students?
Enjoy doing scientific work. Be aware that you can research whatever you want. Make friends. And just have fun.
Word Rap:
A happy AAU moment was… when I had completed my diploma exams and toasted it together with family, friends and professors in the university courtyard.
From your time at AAU you still own… the “roll” of the graduation ceremony, which is nicely placed above my TV and smiles at me every day when I am “netflixing”.
If you were to study again, you would… do my semester abroad earlier. It was already at the end of my studies when I was in Bologna. By then I was older than everyone else, did not need so many courses and could not keep up with the partying. 😉
Your studies in 4 words… Studying, where others vacation