Get inspired for excursions and win prizes with “Sommerradeln”

Anyone who wants to get on their bike and explore Carinthia or the other federal states can take part in the nationwide “Sommerradeln” campaign as part of “Österreich radelt” from July to 12 September 2024 and win not only virtual trophies, but also high-quality prizes!

There are various exciting cycling destinations on the agenda for each federal state; in Carinthia this year there are exactly 100 locations that will bring in points. Sommerradeln works according to the principle of geo-caching or Pokémon-Go: anyone who is within a 200-meter radius of a location declared as a “collection point” with the activated “Österreich radelt” app can “collect” this location using the GPS positioning function on their smartphone. The collection points are displayed in the app and in the user account on the website.

If you collect three or more locations nationwide, you have the chance to win bicycles, hotel vouchers, cycling maps and entertaining books, which will be raffled off among the participants in three stages. More information on the cycling destinations, the “Österreich radelt” app, and the prize draw can be found on the “Sommerradeln” campaign website.

Meanwhile, our “University gets cycling” initiative continues, of course! Until 30 September 2024, students and employees of the university can collect kilometres via the “Kärnten radelt” platform. Information on “University gets cycling” and how to take part can be found on the initiative’s website.