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Barbara Neymeyr: Schillers Moralästhetik als verfehlte Kant-Kritik und die ›Kalokagathia‹-Idee 2023 (Literatur und Philosophie, Bd. 6)

The book critically analyzes Schiller’s moral aesthetics as a supposedly more moderate alternative to Kant’s moral ethics. Turning away from current research theses, it is shown that Schiller’s objections to Kant, as well as those of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, are based on misjudgments and that Schiller’s own design even implies a moral rigorism against his will. In addition, Schiller’s conception of ‘grace’ and ‘dignity’ contains inconsistencies, the cause of which is investigated. Beyond the problem-oriented systematic analyses, a cultural-historical horizon-building reveals how much Schiller and Hölderlin are influenced by the ancient ideals of ‘kalokagathia’ and ‘sympatheia’, which differ fundamentally from Kant’s philosophy.

In her book, Prof. Dr. Barbara Neymeyr uses systematic analyses and cultural-historical horizon-building to show the extent to which Schiller’s moral aesthetics not only prove to be a misguided critique of Kant, but also how far removed his concept is from Kant’s ethics. These findings offer a new perspective on the philosophical tradition and encourage us to reflect on the supposed alternatives to the ethics of duty. With her work, Neymeyr makes a valuable contribution to the Kant Year 2024 and beyond.

 You find the recommended book in the open stacks (12-264.Schi.2) with the booknumber I 628793 and it can be borrowed!

University meets Industry: Talents for Carinthia

“University meets Industry: Talents for Carinthia” is an event hosted by the Faculty of Technical Sciences (TEWI) and the Federation of Austrian Industries Carinthia. At the event, successful cooperation projects between university and industry will be presented. Students of technical degree programmes, employees of the Faculty, and Carinthian companies will have the opportunity to network in order to further strengthen their cooperation and lay the foundations for new partnerships. Read more

Training and introductory courses, summer term 2024

During the summer term, the library again offers training anhd introductory courses to anybody interested.
We offer the following courses:

  • Introduction on how to use the library for students (Registration via Moodle)
  • Supervised database and internet research (Registration at the library’s information desk)

You can find the dates on our posters in the library, on our homepage and on our facebook account.






Anerkennungspreis für den ÖH-Unigarten beim ‘European Award for Ecological Gardening 2023’

Mit dem European Award for Ecological Gardening 2023 werden herausragende, realisierte, qualitativ hochwertige Projekte und Leistungen in drei Kategorien prämiert, die das ökologische Gärtnern zur Grundlage haben. Gesucht wurden innovative wie nachhaltige Projekte mit Vorbildcharakter, die naturnah gestaltet sind, ökologisch gepflegt werden, und auch soziale und wirtschaftliche Aspekte einbinden können.

Die Einreichung des Projektes ÖH-Unigarten der Universität Klagenfurt fand im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung ‘Regenerative Umweltsysteme zum Klimaschutz’ gemeinsam mit den Studierenden für die Kategorie “Lernen im Garten – Naturerlebnisgärten, Schulen und Bildungseinrichtungen” statt. Die europaweite Auszeichnung erfolgte durch eine internationale Fachjury.

Frau Mag. Vanessa Rainer und Herr Dr. Mario Molina-Kescher nahmen im Zuge der Preisverleihung am 13. Oktober 2023 in Innsbruck die Auszeichnung entgegen.