Business administration and music – how do they fit together?

Andreas Schaffer studied Applied Business Administration at AAU as well as Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy at the Carinthian State Conservatory. He is now Director of the Gustav Mahler Musikschule Klagenfurt music school, as well as being a flautist and conductor of various ensembles. In an interview, he explains how he benefits from business administration as a musician, what he likes about his job in particular and why you should always have the courage to oppose other opinions and stand up for your own.

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A reunion with Solveig Menard-Galli

Solveig Menard-Galli studied Applied Business Administration at AAU and is now the CFO of the Clay Building Materials Europe business unit at Wienerberger AG. In an interview with ad astra, she explains how the world of work has changed in Controlling, why she values knowledge sharing with students so highly and what differences there are between the corporate cultures in Austria and the Netherlands.

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Fall down, stand up, straighten your crown & carry on: Looking at failure among entrepreneurs

Zulaicha Parastuty investigates how entrepreneurs exit from companies:  Her studies have revealed different circumstances and effects in relation to the affected individuals. She is due to complete her doctoral thesis on this subject in the spring.

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The ball is out of play

In Madrid, Barcelona or Munich, millionaires attempt to kick balls into goals. The same balls are produced for just a few cents in China, India, Pakistan and Thailand. Global markets insist on ethical standards for the countries of production, and yet these very same standards threaten existences in the affected countries. For her doctoral thesis, Farah Naz examined football production in Pakistan. In this interview, she tells us why it is important to think in shades of grey, rather than in black and white.

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