Bachelor or Master Project – Elastic Input Devices

Technologies & Tools: Arduino • Android
Arduino is a popular open source hard­ware and soft­ware plat­form that can be used to »di­gi­ta­lize« phy­si­cal ob­jects. In this pro­ject we will use an Ar­du­ino mi­cro­con­trol­ler and stre­tch sen­sors to ex­plo­re ways to cre­ate ela­stic ob­jects that can be used as com­pu­ter in­put de­vices. In the first pro­ject pha­se you will get fa­mi­liar with the Ar­du­ino Soft­ware (IDE) and ba­sic hard­ware (sen­sors and con­troller boards). The work in the se­cond pro­ject pha­se will fo­cus on read­ing data from a stre­tch sen­sor and pre­par­ing the data for further use on an Android-smart­phone or smart­watch. This project can also be extended into a Master project.

Evaluating non-standard Menu Design

In Human-Computer inter­action (HCI) re­search – as well as in many other re­search disci­plines – new scien­ti­fic know­ledge and tech­no­lo­gi­cal ad­van­ces are often based on em­pi­ri­cal re­se­arch where new ideas and theo­ries are ex­plo­red through hypo­thesis test­ing and con­trolled exp­eri­ments. How­ever, cri­ti­cal voices within the HCI re­search commun­ity quest­ion the value and ­ use of con­trolled ex­peri­ments in HCI.

In this project we will con­tri­bute to this dis­cussion by re­doing – rep­li­cating – a series of »famous« user ex­peri­ments from the HCI liter­ature. We will focus on ex­peri­ments that have studied the usa­bility of non-standard drop‐down menus and how easy and fast users can navi­gate menu struc­tu­res and se­lect the con­taining menu items.

For this pur­pose, a first ver­sion of a »menu test suite« app­li­ca­tion has been de­vel­oped. After fur­ther de­vel­op­ment and ad­ap­ta­tions we can start re­pli­cating pre­vious menu exp­eri­ments. This in­cludes care­fully study­ing the desc­ri­ptions of the prev­ious ex­peri­ments, then run­ning the ex­peri­ments with a group of com­puter users, and fi­nally analyz­ing our re­sults and com­paring these with pre­viously re­ported results.

Accordingly, in this pro­ject you will ac­quire skills and ex­perience in design­ing, con­duct­ing, and evalu­ating user experiments.

Technologies & Tools: Java, Python, C++, or Objective-C (your choice!), SPSS (for sta­tistical analysis)


Contact: Dr. David Ahlström

Temporal Control Structures

Temporal control structures berücksichtigen zeitliche Bedingungen zur Entscheidung über den Kontrollfluss (XOR, LOOP). Ein Konzept für die Integration von temporal control structures wurde bereits erarbeitet und in einem Draft-Paper beschrieben. Aufgabe dieser Master Arbeit ist es, die Zeitberechnung für die temporalen Kontrollstrukturen ausgehend vom im Paper von Pichler, Eder, Ciglic beschriebenen Verfahren proto­typisch zu implementieren und den Ansatz empirisch zu validieren.

Erwartete Ergebnisse:

  • Implementierung (Erweiterung des bestehenden Frameworks)
  • Empirische Validierung


Contact: Prof. Dr. Johann Eder

Temporal Workflows mit Start/End Events, non-contingent Activities und upper-bound constraints

Unsere Temporal Workflows betrachten derzeit nur die End-Events von Workflow Aktivitäten, so können z.B. Time Constraints nur zwischen den End-Events von Aktivitäten deklariert werden. Außerdem werden bisher nur “contingent Activities” betrachtet. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Erweiterung des formalen Apparats auf “non-contingent” Activities und auf Start- und End-Events.

Erwartete Ergebnisse:

  • Erweiterung des formalen Apparats/der Algorithmen (zur Berechnung des Timed Graphs)
  • Implementierung (Erweiterung des bestehenden Frameworks)


Contact: Prof. Johann Eder