Mario Catasta, CEO ERSTE Foundation, in our interview about the University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarships

We have talked to Mario Catasta, CEO of ERSTE Foundation, about the goals of the foundation and the Technology Scholarships programme. Read more

Technology scholarships for Master’s degree programmes in the ICT field

The scholarship programme for students pursuing English-language Master’s degrees in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) at the University of Klagenfurt got off to a successful start. The official kick-off took place one year ago. To date, 30 students from twelve countries have benefitted from our innovative funding programme.

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Eda Muka in our interview about the University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarship

Eda Muka talked with us about her passion for informatics and IT and told us about all the benefits of the University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarships. She also talked with us about her experience as an intern at the international company Dynatrace. Read more

Nadja Dardagan in our interview about the University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarship

Nadja Dardagan comes from Bosnia and Herzegovina and is a Technology Scholarship holder. She started working as an intern at the company Network Dimension Projects and is now a part-time junior software developer there. She talked to us about her move to Klagenfurt, why she has always been interested in computer science and how her view of the world has changed through her studies. She also told us about the many opportunities that have arisen for her as a result of the Technology Scholarship. Read more