Papers SEARCHED: Workshop on Epistemic Extensions of Logic Programming

Wolfgang Faber and Michael Morak organize the first Workshop on Epistemic Extensions of Logic Programming, which will be held at the International Conference on Logic Programming in late September 2019 in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Submit your papers by 10 July 2019!

New research project on spreadsheet errors (FWF / iDEOS)

Spreadsheets based on Microsoft Excel are omnipresent in most organizations. Errors in these spreadsheets can however be highly problematic and a number of examples exist where wrong calculations led to severe financial loss for companies. A new joint project between researchers of AAU and TU Graz will address these problems and develop novel means that help users to detect and remove errors from spreadsheets.

The research project “Interactive Spreadsheet Debugging (iDEOS)” is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and will be led by Prof. Dietmar Jannach of the Department of Applied Informatics.

More information about debugging spreadsheets can be found in this research article.

We are looking for a doctoral student (75%) and a postdoctoral researcher (100%). Please contact Prof. Jannach in case you are interested. The project will last 3.5 years.

Job Announcement: We are hiring a University Assistant (Doctoral Student f/m)

The Department of Applied Informatics (Information Systems) invites applications for the position of a

University Assistant (f/m, prae doc)

Duration of employment: 4 years

Job description:

  • Scientific research with the goal to obtain a doctorate degree (PhD)
  • Participation in research projects
  • Teaching and supervision of students
  • Involvement in administration
  • Participation in public relations activities of the department and faculty Read more

Job Announcement: We are hiring an INSTITUTE TECHNICIAN (f/m)

The Department of Applied Informatics (Information Systems) invites applications for the position of an


Job description:

  • Technical support and maintenance of the operation of the workstation and training computers/devices, peripherals, networks as well as system and application software of the Department of Applied Informatics
  • Technical support of the special IT equipment, systems, networks and software required for teaching and research at the Department of Applied Informatics
  • Programming tasks that support the teaching activities and research projects of the Institute or are necessary for the fulfilment of the above-mentioned tasks

The beginning is as soon as possible.

Applications must be submitted no later than 28.11.2018, see the official Job Announcement (in German)!