In Search of a Student Assistant (8h/week)!

The Institute of Applied Computer Science is looking for a student assistant for 8h/week (starting on 1.March 2018).

The goal is the re-engineering of the algorithm visualization tool go2algo (current version at jar) and a modularization in which individual algorithms can be quickly added or removed.

The range of functions should grow with the progress of the lecture.

The topic can also be adapted towards software practice/Bachelor thesis  (aprox. 400€ per month).

Expected knowledge: German, SWE, Java and A&D

If you are interested, please contact peter [dot] schartner [at] aau [dot] at .

Department of Applied Informatics: News Blog

Since January 2018, the Department for Applied Informatics (AINF) has been blogging current AINF NEWS on on the following topics, among others:

  • Open topics for students (Master, Bachelor) at the AINF
  • Particularly good student work at the AINF
  • Topics offered for the project semester
  • Offered internships from companies
  • Jobs for students
  • Conference participations
  • Practical semesters and semesters abroad
  • New research projects and current research topics
  • Current guest profs etc.

These news can also be read via RSS feed (e. g. in your eMail) or followed on TWITTER via

The German blog version can be found on

For students, particularly exciting posts can also be found at

Please distribute this information via your social media channels 🙂

Information Systems: Suggested Topics for Master Thesis

The following topic is offered for a Master’s thesis:
“Data analysis on the effectiveness of recommendation systems”
This topic is suitable for students of Applied Computer Science or Information Management.

For further information please contact Prof. Dietmar Jannach, Research Group Information Systems.

Angebot Praktikum Infomanagement/BWL im SS2018: Digitalisierung bei Kostwein / Klagenfurt

Hier finden Sie ein Praktikums-Angebot der Firma Kostwein (Klagenfurt) an Studierende des Info-Managements/BWL für das SS 2018

Details zum Praktikum finden Sie hier

Start: Sofort möglich

Dauer: 3-4 Monate

Bewerbungen mit den erforderlichen Unterlagen bitte an bewerbung [at] kostwein [dot] at