Claudia Felsberger: Ich wollte schon immer Medienwissenschaften studieren

Unsere Absolventin Claudia Felsberger ist Redakteurin bei Futter, dem jungen Magazin der Kleinen Zeitung. Schon zu Schulzeiten war für sie klar: Sie will Medienwissenschaften studieren und ein Auslandssemester machen. Diese Bedingungen erfüllte die Universität Klagenfurt und so absolvierte sie Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften sowie Anglistik- und Amerikanistik im Bachelor und Media and Convergence Management im Master. Bereits zu Studienzeiten begann Sie für die Kleine Zeitung zu arbeiten. Read more

Media and Convergence Management: Ideally qualified for professional challenges!

Isabell Koinig is the programme director of the Master’s degree in Media and Convergence Management. Her research interests are broad and cover a spectrum that includes the science of advertising and market research, media economics, and international management. She spoke to us about interface management, nomophobia, and her personal approach to media studies.

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Psychosocial work: promoting competences and encouraging development

Stefan Weisbach completed his bachelor’s and master’s degree in Psychology at AAU and was also involved in the Austrian Students Union (ÖH) for several semesters. During his studies, he organised major student integration football tournaments, for example with the participation of ASPIS, the Psychosocial Centre for Refugees and Victims of Violence. Today he runs a child and youth welfare institution in Carinthia and runs his own practice for psychological counselling, coaching and psychosocial support in Klagenfurt. Read more

Berlin: The buffet is abundantly covered!

In conversation with Riccardo Krampl, the psychoanalyst from Carinthian Lavanttal talks about his work and life in Berlin where he moved to in 2010 after finishing his studies in Educational Science and Psychology at the Alpen-Adria-Universtität Klagenfurt. And with him pictures from Carinthia. Read more