Bitmovin takes on the second classroom sponsorship at the University of Klagenfurt

Bitmovin will be sponsoring a classroom in the area of Computer Science for the next five years, starting in June 2021, and thus continuing the long-standing successful cooperation with the University of Klagenfurt. Going forward, the classroom in the South Wing will bear the name ‘Bitmovin’.

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Research on qualitative company growth: companies grow in leaps

Most entrepreneurs are aware of the fact that companies do not grow in a linear and continuous fashion. A research team has now investigated not only the catalysts of these entrepreneurial leaps but also what exactly happens in these leaps. The findings have recently been published in the renowned journal “Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice”.

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Analysing changes in microservice-based systems

When it comes to computer science, we can develop large, complex applications as a single monolithic system, or we can split them into small, scalable components that work together using standard protocols. In the Internet cloud, these small components are often implemented as microservices. A new research project, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, sets out to understand more precisely how changes in a single microservice affect other microservices and the application as a whole. Read more

Research into COVID-19-related crisis scenarios at AAU: New technology will optimise the supply of medical protective equipment

Earlier this year, it became painfully clear to many in Europe that the supply of face masks, gloves and protective overalls is by no means crisis-proof. A research team consisting of Austrian and Chinese scientists is now working on new technologies that will address different levels of the supply chain and will ultimately lead to the faster, more efficient and cheaper supply of protective equipment across Europe, even in times of crisis.

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