Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 2022

The Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association took place in Vienna on September 19-20, 2022. The Department of Economics was represented by Martin Wagner with a presentation on „Sources and Channels of Nonlinearities and Instabilities of the Phillips Curve: Results for the Euro Area and Its Member States“ and Dmitri Blüschke and Reinhard Neck with a presentation entitled „How to Deal with the Covid-19 Pandemic in Slovenia? Simulations with a Macroeconometric Model“.

MTSA Summer School – September 12-16, 2022

The third edition of the “Modern Topics in Time Series Analysis” summer school will feature a range of top European econometricians and statisticians providing insights on current topics in time series analysis over a full week in the beautiful setting of Klagenfurt in the Austrian south. The program will provide ample time for getting to know fellow PhD students working in the areas as well as the lecturers.

The summer school provides on five consecutive days introductions to various areas of time series analysis including (but not limited to) volatility modeling, Bayesian methods, factor models, functional time series models and many more. Each of the top researchers will provide a half day focussed on one topic. In between and in the evenings there will be ample time for networking, getting to know fellow students as well as the lecturers.

See for a complete list of topics and lecturers.

6th Micro-Workshop

The 6th   Micro-Workshop takes place on August 3, 2022 in Lakeside Park, Gebäude B02, 2. Stock, Raum Bo2.2.13 from 12.00-14.00.

The presentation is held by the visiting professor  Prof. Alex Gershkov, from the  Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Surrey. The title of the presentation is  “Winners and Losers  in Priority Services” by Alex Gershkov and Eyal Winter.

All guests are welcome!

Research project on the stability of money demand has started…

The Research Project “Instability and Nonlinearity of Long-Run Money Demand: Econometric Theory and Empirical Analysis” funded by the Austrian National Bank started on July 1, 2022.