Residual Based Cointegration and Non-Cointegration Tests for Cointegrating Polynomial Regressions

Wagner, Martin (2022) “Residual Based Cointegration and Non-Cointegration Tests for Cointegrating Polynomial Regressions” accepted for publication in Empirical Economics.

3rd QED Workshop

The 3rd Quantitative Economics Workshop takes place on Tue., October 25, 2022 at 2:30pm in room B02.2.13. Follow-up on the presentation “Solving and Simulating Dynamic Macroeconomic Models” by Alexandros Konstantopoulos.

Guests welcome!

2nd QED Workshop

The 2nd Quantitative Economics Workshop takes place on Tue., October 18, 2022 at 2:30pm in room B02.2.13. Follow-up on the presentation “Solving and Simulating Dynamic Macroeconomic Models” by Alexandros Konstantopoulos.

Guests welcome!

1st QED Worskhop

The 1st Quantitative Economics Workshop takes place on Thu., October 13, 2022 at 9:00am in room B02.2.13. The title of the presentation by Alexandros Konstantopoulos is “Solving and Simulating Dynamic Macroeconomic Models“.

Guests welcome!