Technical mathematics is more than adding 0 and multiplying by 1

Celina Strasser has always loved puzzles. Mathematics was already her favourite subject during her school days. Celina Strasser is currently studying Technical Mathematics at the University of Klagenfurt. She talked to us about outdated ways of thinking, the gender gap in technical areas, clichés in mathematics and her passion for modelling, optimising and programming.

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Interns at the Institute of Mathematics

Five interns spent 4 weeks with us at the Institute of Mathematics.  And they did a really great job under the guidance of Benjamin Hackl and Roswitha Rissner. The explanatory videos they produced are online at

The man who calculates the future

Under which conditions can mathematics be used to calculate how many and which animals will live where, how viruses will spread, and how strong our economic performance will be tomorrow? Christian Aarset has developed mathematical models that allow us to calculate the future. He recently completed his doctoral thesis under the supervision of Christian Pötzsche. 

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Remarkable success for Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Klagenfurt: funding for 14 new PhD students in the field of optimization in FWF doc.funds project

The approval of this project represents a milestone in the success story of the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Klagenfurt. It’s also a great achievement on the part of the participating professors and particularly for the 32-year-old coordinator, Michaela Szölgyenyi. Starting in autumn 2020, the project will employ around one dozen international young scientists in Klagenfurt.

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