50 Years of Maths — Anniversary Ceremony

On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 we celebrated! On the occasion of “50 years of mathematics at the University of Klagenfurt”, the “Gauss Lecture” of the German Mathematical Society (DMV) took place – for the first time in Austria. It was a public lecture by prizewinner Monique Laurent (CWI Amsterdam and Tilburg University) on current developments in mathematics. The lecture was opened by DMV President Joachim Escher. Willibald Dörfler spoke about “the beginning from nothing” of mathematics at the University of Klagenfurt.

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Klagenfurt-Berlin Workshop on Multiple Perspectives in Optimization

Strengthening collaborations with highly renowend Universities is among the aims of the area of research strength MPOpt — Multiple Perspectives in Optimization. A workshop with researchers from TU Berlin, including the two Einstein Professors Martin Skutella and Peter Friz, took place in June at the University of Klagenfurt. Funding from MATH+, the Berlin Mathematics Research Center, made this workshop possible.

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Habilitation colloquium of Dr. Roswitha Rissner

On February 19, 2024, Dr. Roswitha Rissner held the habilitation colloquium entitled “On the algebraic and arithmetic structure of commutative rings”.

In her lecture, she began by describing the emergence of modern algebra through number theory and geometry. From Fermat’s last theorem and Gabriel Lame’s failed attempt to prove it, to Richard Dedekind and the introduction of the abstract objects of rings and the algebraic description of Riemann surfaces, to Emmy Noether, who laid the foundations of modern algebra.

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International Day of Mathematics

The International Mathematics Day is an event proclaimed by UNESCO and supported by the International Mathematical Union, which takes place annually on 14 March. The day is also known as π-day, because: The decimal expansion of the circle number π begins with 3.1415…. — and especially in the American-speaking world, 14 March is written as “3/14”.

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