Many small software components add up to a single application: Novel methods aim to simplify the detection of side effects caused by changes

Large-scale software applications that combine all their functions in a single component are becoming less common. Instead, we increasingly see applications that are made up of smaller components called microservices. Researchers involved in a newly launched project are working on improving the detection of undesired side effects caused by changes in individual microservices.

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Using mathematics and statistics to make self-driving cars more reliable

Lukas Sommeregger’s research focuses on developing methods to determine the lifespan of computer chips. The doctoral student, who also works at Infineon, recently received the Infineon Innovation Award.

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“What astonishes me is how easily we humans are persuaded by content that is generated by a machine.”

Many of those following the current media discourse are left with a sense of alarmism: The message seems to be that advances being made in the development of artificial intelligence could cause the systems to spiral out of control. At the same time, experts are voicing concern about the potential influence of these technologies on the stability of democracies, given that images can be manipulated in a matter of seconds. We asked Wolfgang Faber, professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, for his take on the new AI tools and the state of research.

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Mathematics in quantum physics: Angelika Wiegele is currently researching and teaching at the University of Cologne

The mathematician was invited to contribute to the key profile area “Quantum Matter and Materials” at the University of Cologne as a member of the Global Faculty. There, she is working at the interface between mathematics and quantum physics.

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