The University of Klagenfurt makes the first professorial appointment to the Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC): Elisabeth Oswald, who specializes in researching cybersecurity, arrives in Klagenfurt

Step by step, the University of Klagenfurt is steadily expanding its activities in the new research area “Humans in the Digital Age”. The appointment of Elisabeth Oswald (University of Bristol) represents an important milestone in this endeavour. As an applied cryptographer, Elisabeth Oswald works at the interface between mathematics and computer science. In her research, she focuses especially on the cryptographic aspects of cybersecurity.

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Mathematics supports new medical imaging techniques

While MRI, CT and x-ray already provide valuable insights into the interior of the body, the technology involving so-called magnetic particle imaging now promises new possibilities with high resolution, less acquisition time and no harmful radiation. In order to be able to draw conclusions about biological processes based on the observation of magnetic particles in a magnetic field, research has to rely on mathematics. Tram Thi Ngoc Nguyen is completing her doctoral thesis on this topic at the University of Klagenfurt.

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Using existing cellular networks for drones

It might soon become common for drones to transport goods and people, monitor disaster zones, and bring various forms of relief to areas that are difficult to access. Which communication infrastructure is best suited to facilitate this? Researchers at the University of Klagenfurt have explored potential challenges associated with the use of traditional cellular networks.

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Daniel Krenn and Annika Wille received their habilitation certificate

This year, two colleagues at our faculty defended successfully their habilitation thesis. Daniel Krenn, Department of Mathematics, received the venia docendi in Mathematics, and Annika Wille, Department of Mathematics Education, the venia docendi for Mathematics Education. The certificate was presented on June 17 by the Dean Gerhard Friedrich and the Vice Dean Clemens Heuberger.

Congratulations to our young colleagues for their excellent work and contributions to the field of Mathematics and Mathematics education!