Successful testing of UWB sensor network in industrial setting

Wireless communication is becoming increasingly important in industrial companies, as production processes frequently have to be adapted and optimized. Laying new cables each time would reduce flexibility. Together with the companies Messfeld and Dewesoft and the research institutes JOANNEUM RESEARCH DIGITAL and FH Campus 02, the University of Klagenfurt and Lakeside Labs GmbH have now tested a UWB network in an industrial setting.

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Remarkable success for Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Klagenfurt: funding for 14 new PhD students in the field of optimization in FWF doc.funds project

The approval of this project represents a milestone in the success story of the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Klagenfurt. It’s also a great achievement on the part of the participating professors and particularly for the 32-year-old coordinator, Michaela Szölgyenyi. Starting in autumn 2020, the project will employ around one dozen international young scientists in Klagenfurt.

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New tools for swarms of machines

Moving intelligently, robots deployed in a warehouse shift crates from A to B – without getting in each other’s way. What sounds like a very simple example has only recently been made possible thanks to new tools developed in the EU Horizon 2020 project CPSwarm. The project is now in its final phase and the “toolkit” is freely available online for all developers.   

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The University of Klagenfurt and Bitmovin collaborate on innovative video transmission technologies

Bitmovin is a leading global provider of online video technology. Working with the University of Klagenfurt and funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW), collaborative efforts will now focus on new technologies set to improve the video streaming experience in the future. Bearing the title ATHENA (Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and Emerging Networked Multimedia Services), the project has been endowed with a budget worth several million Euros.

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