Management Information Systems: The best of two worlds

The best of both worlds! Management Information Systems offers an optimal combination of computer sciences and business administration. The degree programme imparts the knowledge necessary to manage computer-supported information systems in companies from both a business management and information technology perspective. Anna Lena Röttl has chosen the Bachelor’s degree programme in Management Information Systems. She talks to us about the degree programme and tells us why she has chosen this path.

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The State of Carinthia honours academic theses on digitalisation

This week, State Governor Peter Kaiser honoured three Bachelor’s, three Diploma and three Master’s theses as well as three doctoral theses, awarding a Carinthian Digitalisation Grant 2020 to each of the authors.

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Technical mathematics is more than adding 0 and multiplying by 1

Celina Strasser has always loved puzzles. Mathematics was already her favourite subject during her school days. Celina Strasser is currently studying Technical Mathematics at the University of Klagenfurt. She talked to us about outdated ways of thinking, the gender gap in technical areas, clichés in mathematics and her passion for modelling, optimising and programming.

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More artificial intelligence for smart meters

Intelligent electricity meters offer insights into smart homes – benefiting the residents. Where older people live alone, their electricity consumption data can be used to determine whether they are in good health. They can also help us to reduce the risk of high electricity bills. As a doctoral student at the DECIDE doctoral school, Hafsa Bousbiat is researching models that make optimal use of the new possibilities.

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