Dynatrace announces award for the best Bachelor‘s and Master‘s thesis

Dynatrace is inviting students and graduates of the University of Klagenfurt to participate in the award for the best Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis in the IT field. The prizes will be awarded for the first time this year and will be announced annually from now on. Read more

The link between mountaineering and mathematics

That life opens up paths you never expected is something Johannes Hofmeister, a doctoral student in statistics, experienced only recently. He told us why he decided not to become a teacher (for now), but has become an avid mathematical researcher instead.

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Margareta Ciglič: The wonderful world of Informatics.

Our graduate Margareta Ciglič discovered her passion for Computer Science while studying Applied Business Administration and decided to study both in parallel. We chatted with her about how all this came about, what her subsequent path at the university and at Kelag Energie has been like, and what is drawing her back to the lecture halls of the University of Klagenfurt in the upcoming summer semester. Read more

Analysing changes in microservice-based systems

When it comes to computer science, we can develop large, complex applications as a single monolithic system, or we can split them into small, scalable components that work together using standard protocols. In the Internet cloud, these small components are often implemented as microservices. A new research project, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, sets out to understand more precisely how changes in a single microservice affect other microservices and the application as a whole. Read more