Swarm algorithms can improve production planning and scheduling

Industrial companies face an enormous challenge when it comes to the highly interconnected nature of their production facilities. These exhibit complex and dynamic behaviour, as can be observed in ants, bees, fish or birds. Inspired by models found in nature, the SWILT project models entire industrial plants as swarms. Three years on, we now have the results of the project: The simulations revealed that the overall performance of a large production planning system can be improved by a percentage in the single digits, which can represent significant financial gains for businesses.

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Dženana Alagić: “Use the university to expand your horizons, study and enjoy!”

Dženana Alagić recently completed her doctorate in Technical Mathematics. She spoke to us about her research focus and told us why she moved from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Klagenfurt. Furthermore she told us how her view of the world has changed through her studies and why everyone should study at the University of Klagenfurt. Read more

Second place in Austria and placed in ranking group 201-250 worldwide: Information and Communications Engineering achieves major success in THE Ranking 2022

The THE Ranking 2022 represents the first time that the University of Klagenfurt has also been ranked in the field of “Engineering”. Being ranked second among Austrian universities at the first attempt is due in no small part to the outstanding research achievements of the scientists and the field’s high degree of internationality. The relatively young Faculty of Technical Sciences is confident in maintaining its chosen course – and continues to reach for the stars.

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Best paper award for work on swarmalator systems

Working together in the FWF project “Self-organizing synchronization with stochastic coupling”, Udo Schilcher, Jorge Schmidt, Arke Vogell and Christian Bettstetter co-authored the publication “Swarmalators with stochastic coupling and memory”. This paper won the Karsten Schwan Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organising Systems (ACSOS) on 30 September 2021, a prize that recognises the best paper presented at the conference.

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