Erasmus+ student mobility in Norway: Mathias’s immersion in a completely new environment

In this interview Mathias (MA International Management) shares his experiences from his Eramus+ mobility in Norway and the impact that a semester abroad had in his life. He also shares valuable tips and insights and why he would recommend spending a semester abroad to prospective outgoing exchange students.


Tell us something about yourself, what do you study at AAU and why you decided to spend a semester abroad.

I am studying International Management at the University of Klagenfurt. Originally, I had planned to complete a semester abroad during my bachelor’s degree, but it was canceled due to Covid. Fortunately, an exchange semester is now included in my study plan, allowing me to prepare in advance to spend a semester abroad.


Why did you decide to spend an exchange period at your chosen host university?

My decision was between Norway and Spain. However, I already speak Spanish and am familiar with the Spanish culture. Therefore, I opted to try something completely new. The Østfold University College was the only option in Norway, but I was highly satisfied with the institution due to its reputation. I was eager to go to Norway to learn from their advanced society and education system.


From an academic and personal perspective, in what ways did you benefit from taking part in a mobility programme?

I could particularly observe how other countries and cultures approach learning and the testing of acquired knowledge. It was extremely fascinating to see the interactive methods used in Norway to integrate practice and theory, and how much enjoyment active learning can bring. The various teaching approaches and the personal approach of the professors were very pleasant and provided me with new perspectives on how learned concepts can be applied in practice and how I can acquire new skills. It was also exciting to note that the university is not only seen as a place for learning but is also utilized for leisure activities and socializing with friends.

In addition, by living directly on campus alongside Norwegians and students from various nations, I gained not only new insights into other cultures but also a deeper understanding of my own. Through constant explanations and sharing stories about where we come from, one learns many things that were not so apparent before. Comparing different cultures proves to be extremely fascinating.

An exchange semester also means spending a lot of time with oneself and stepping out of one’s comfort zone to meet new people. This allowed me to discover what truly matters to me and undergo significant personal development. It is not always easy to immerse oneself in completely new environments and meet many new people within a short period. An exchange semester more or less forces one to jump into the deep end. However, once you’ve overcome your own shadow, many exciting adventures await. Additionally, fellow Erasmus students share similar experiences, creating a common bond. You learn to unfold during the exchange semester and establish connections with people from various countries. As a result, I was able to build an international network of friends and already have many plans to return to Norway and visit other countries to reconnect with my friends.


Has your view of the world changed through your mobility period? If yes, how?

I was already quite open-minded before the semester abroad. However, through the program, I could personally experience cultural differences, which I had only read about before. I was amazed at how advanced and contented Norwegian society lives and could understand firsthand why that is. Despite feeling the impact of winter depression in Norway, I was by no means dissatisfied with my decision. The daily interaction with Norwegians and people from other nations presented me with an open-minded view of how different cultures handle various situations. I can definitely say that through the program, I have become more culturally sensitive and better understand various behaviors.


Would you recommend spending a semester abroad to other AAU students? Can you tell us why?

Absolutely! A semester abroad changes you in every way – how you see yourself and how you perceive the world around you as a whole. The various educational perspectives also have a positive impact on one’s understanding of learning new theories. Personally, I would do this experience again anytime. I believe it’s not so much about where you go, but simply about doing a semester abroad. The time in Norway revealed many small things that I miss about Austria, things I never truly appreciated before. At the same time, I’ve also discovered many new things that I now miss and would love to have in Austria. Nevertheless, I am very satisfied to have had the chance to experience these aspects. I would recommend a semester abroad to everyone, regardless of whether you see yourself as a globetrotter or not. Once you find yourself in a foreign country and have to deal with different customs, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you adapt, learn new things, and discover what truly matters to you. You make friends for life and experience so much in such a short time, something some people may not experience in 10 years.


Can you give prospective outgoing students some tips to make the most out of the mobility? (From a general “logistic” point of view and from an academic one)

First and foremost, it’s essential to know which country you want to choose. However, one should not only consider the country and the selected city but also focus on the academic opportunities provided by the partner university. It truly doesn’t matter where you go, as you will have an incredible experience anywhere and meet many new people. Academically, it is much easier to choose a partner university where the offered courses contribute to your academic progress and are recognized by the University of Klagenfurt. If any questions arise, don’t hesitate to call the partner university or arrange an online meeting. This way, questions can be answered more quickly than through email correspondence, and you also stay in the minds of the responsible individuals at the partner university.

It was particularly important to me that the partner university could guarantee a room in the student dormitory. This allowed me to skip the hassle of searching for accommodation and focus my energy on other matters.

The International Office at AAU provides all necessary information that is important before, during, and after the stay. I recommend scheduling an appointment with the International Office early enough and completing all necessary steps before the stay.


Word Rap:


My first day at the host university was… exciting and scary.

When in Halden you should not miss… walking to the Fjord.

The best 3 things about an exchange semester… new friends, new perspective of oneself, experience abroad

My studies abroad in 3 words: incredible, fun, life-changing



Joint-Study student mobility in South Korea: Claudia’s experience of a lifetime

Claudia is currently studying Games Studies and Engineering at the University of Klagenfurt and is about to spend her second Joint-Study semester at one of AAU’s partner universities. During her bachelor’s degree, she already spent an exchange semester in South Korea at Hallym University in Chuncheon. In this interview, she shares experiences from her first Joint-Study mobility and why she would recommend spending a semester abroad to prospective outgoing exchange students.

Tell us something about yourself, what do you study at AAU and why you decided to spend a semester abroad.

I did my bachelor’s degree in management information systems and before I started my studies I knew I wanted to go on a semester abroad. During my high school years, I had the chance to go on a 3-month internship in England with the Erasmus+ programme. This experience helped me a lot in many ways, for example, my English improved a lot. Before the stay I was barely passing my English class, after the stay I hardly had to study to get a good grade.

For my semester abroad I wanted to take the chance to experience a completely different culture, language, and country. I also had this little challenge for myself: how well can you learn a language, you not even barely speak if you live in the country, it is spoken in. With the extra difficulty that it is a language, not related to any languages I already know and that it uses a different writing system.

Why did you decide to spend an exchange period at your chosen host university?

As I wanted to experience something completely new, I decided to apply for a University in Korea and China. Funnily enough, the University I ended up going to was neither of them. I ended up going to the Hallym University in Chuncheon, South Korea. While I cannot say I chose to spend my exchange period at this university from the get-go, I really would not want it otherwise.

I probably should also mention that I went in 2021, with COVID-19 being a thing, I was just glad to be able to go at all. The ongoing pandemic surely added an interesting twist to my travel and stay there.

From an academic and personal perspective, in what ways did you benefit from taking part in a mobility programme?

From an academic as well as personal perspective, equally, there are only benefits to gain from taking part in a mobility programme.

Academically, even though the classes I could take were very limited as only a few were taught in English, and even fewer were relevant to my studies, the things I learned seem even more valuable. Experiencing a different teaching system, interacting with a wide range of different and diverse professors and students, and getting the chance to take specific courses, to learn things I would otherwise not have come across.

The way I probably benefited the most from the mobility programme was for my personal growth. Going to a foreign country without knowing anyone, or the language was a challenge. It for sure was not always easy but overcoming these little challenges and enjoying the stay there, forming new connections, and learning about a new culture on a different continent equid you with skills that you can use and need anywhere. Since I did not speak Korean, obviously my English improved once again. However, I also managed to get a good understanding of how the Korean language works, and in the end, I was fluent enough to at least order my coffee in Korean.

Additionally, the Asian culture is fundamentally different. Staying a whole semester allows you to adapt to the country and culture, as you live there. Unlike when you go there as a tourist, you get to know everything on a deeper level.

Has your view of the world changed through your mobility period? If yes, how?

In Korea, the school of Neo-Confucianism is very present. This shows in their daily lives how they treat others, how they interact with others and live their lives. You respect your elders and superiors, and overall, everyone is very polite and considers the others around them. The small signs of respect like giving or receiving something with both hands or treating public spaces with care and trying to not disturb the others around you. Things like this deeply impressed me. Furthermore, South Korea is an extremely safe country. The fact you could just leave your laptop, phone, and wallet in a café and step away to go to the toilet or just leave for hours, and no one would steal them, was mind-blowing.

Would you recommend spending a semester abroad to other AAU students? Can you tell us why?

Besides the probably rather obvious benefits from it, like the academic and personal ones, the main reason why I would recommend it would be: when do you have another chance to live a semester in a different country? Traveling somewhere is nice but living there is a very different experience. I get that it is scary, especially if you go alone, but not only do you have support from the international office of our university, but also from the university you are going to.

It is one of the things you do not actually need but are nice to have. The experience will stay with you for a lifetime, you get the chance to grow personally in a way it would not have been possible otherwise. You make connections and memories that will last you for a lifetime of course, it is also a very nice thing to write in your CV.

Can you give prospective outgoing students some tips to make the most out of the mobility? (From a general “logistic” point of view and from an academic one)

Maybe, prepare for the unprepared? No, let’s be honest, that is frankly impossible. Be flexible! There are probably a handful of situations you did not expect or prepare for. It is easier to deal with them if you try to flexibly adapt to them. Trying to have this kind of mindset will help you not to despair when suddenly the classes you intend to take get cancelled, or when you are stuck in the middle of nowhere because you do not quite get how the buses work.

Make friends, talk to local students and international students, and go out as much as possible. Being a shy person myself, it is not easy, but I think it is necessary. It might be easier to befriend the other international students, and it is great to travel or check out the tourist spots together but try to make some local friends as well. They can show you a whole different side of the country you went to and help you with various things.

In general, make trips, travel around the country or visit neighbouring countries if possible.

When it comes to making out the most in an academic sense, inform yourself well what the university offers, what courses you can take and maybe even who teaches them. Planning well before head will make a lot of things easier.


Word Rap:

My first day at the host university was… exciting, a bit confusing and welcoming

When in Chuncheon you should not miss… (max. 3 words): Myeongdong street.

The best 3 things about an exchange semester… The food, the people I met, the memories I made.

My studies abroad in 3 words: interesting, informative, fun.

Erasmus+ student mobility in Finland: Marie’s story of personal growth and academic exploration

Marie is currently studying Media and Communication at the University of Klagenfurt. She spent an exchange semester at the University of Turku, Finland. In this interview she shares experience from her mobility and why she would recommend spending a semester abroad to prospective outgoing exchange students.


Tell us something about yourself, what do you study at AAU and why you decided to spend a semester abroad.

I’m originally from northern Germany and am currently studying Media and Communication in Klagenfurt.

Choosing to spend a semester abroad was a deliberate decision based on my past experiences. I deeply value the enriching experiences of connecting with people from diverse cultures. This opportunity allows me to broaden my horizons by exploring different courses and gaining valuable insights. Moreover, it aligns with my goal of moving abroad after my studies, giving me a chance to explore different countries and find potential places to live.


Why did you decide to spend an exchange period at your chosen host university?

I decided to pursue an exchange period at the University of Turku primarily due to its outstanding reputation for academic excellence. Beyond that, I was drawn to the allure of Nordic countries, particularly Finland, renowned for its breathtaking natural landscapes and exceptional quality of life. The prospect of experiencing this unique blend of top-notch education and the opportunity to immerse myself in a country celebrated for its natural beauty and high living standards motivated my choice of the University of Turku for my exchange period.


From an academic and personal perspective, in what ways did you benefit from taking part in a mobility programme?

Participating in a mobility program brought about multifaceted benefits both academically and personally. Academically, the program provided me with an opportunity to broaden my educational horizons. Interacting with a diverse range of professors and students at the host university in Finland enriched my learning experience by exposing me to different teaching methods, perspectives, and academic approaches. This exposure expanded my intellectual flexibility and enhanced my ability to adapt to varying academic environments.

Moreover, the mobility program allowed me to delve into a different cultural and social setting, fostering personal growth and a deeper understanding of global diversity. Immersing myself in the Finnish culture not only broadened my worldview but also encouraged me to embrace new perspectives and adapt to unfamiliar situations. This experience greatly contributed to my personal development, nurturing qualities like adaptability, open-mindedness, and cultural sensitivity.

The program also provided a platform for building international connections and friendships. Engaging with fellow students from various backgrounds not only enriched my social network but also exposed me to different lifestyles, beliefs, and values, fostering mutual respect and understanding.


Has your view of the world changed through your mobility period? If yes, how?

Yes, my view of the world has indeed undergone a significant transformation as a result of my mobility period. Immersing myself in a new cultural setting in Finland provided me with a profound insight into global diversity, which fundamentally altered my perspective.

The mobility period challenged my preconceived notions and stereotypes. Being in a new environment pushed me to question assumptions I held about different cultures and societies. Through first-hand experiences and interactions, I gained a more nuanced and authentic understanding of Finland and its people, realizing the limitations of generalized beliefs or stereotypes.


Would you recommend spending a semester abroad to other AAU students? Can you tell us why?

Absolutely, if I could impart one piece of advice to my fellow AAU students, it would be this: take the leap and embark on a semester abroad. Why? Because this experience has the power to transform you in ways you never thought possible.

Let’s start with the academic aspect. The opportunity to explore different courses and teaching methods broadened my intellectual horizons in ways I couldn’t have imagined. It wasn’t just about attending classes; it was about seizing the chance to delve into subjects that weren’t available in my home university. I was exposed to innovative approaches that challenged my thinking and expanded my understanding of various subjects. It’s not just about textbooks; it’s about gaining insights that transcend traditional classroom boundaries.

Moreover, friendships formed during my time abroad were life-changing. I forged connections with people from diverse backgrounds. These friendships weren’t just about sharing experiences; they were about learning from each other, embracing our differences, and realizing the beauty of global unity. These are the connections that remain etched in my heart, reminding me of the richness diversity brings to our lives.

Immersing myself in a new culture was eye-opening. It’s one thing to read about a country in books, but quite another to live and breathe its culture. This experience shattered stereotypes and misconceptions I might have held. It taught me to appreciate the intricacies and nuances of a culture, and that diversity isn’t just a concept – it’s a vibrant reality that enriches our lives.

This journey wasn’t just about discovering a new place; it was about discovering myself. Stepping out of my comfort zone pushed me to grow – personally, emotionally, and intellectually. It taught me resilience, adaptability, and the value of embracing change. It transformed me into a more open-minded and globally aware individual.

So, if you’re contemplating a semester abroad, let me assure you, it’s more than an adventure – it’s a catalyst for personal growth and academic exploration. It’s a chance to create enduring friendships, delve into new academic realms, immerse yourself in a vibrant culture, and emerge as a more enriched version of yourself. Trust me, this experience will change you, and the person you become will thank you for it.


Can you give prospective outgoing students some tips to make the most out of the mobility?

Logistically, while the Erasmus Student Network provides a fantastic platform to kickstart your social life, don’t confine yourself to this circle alone. Venture beyond and actively seek friendships with locals. Engaging with individuals based in the country offers a deeper understanding of their culture and lifestyle, enriching your experience immensely.

Moreover, don’t underestimate the power of connections. Reach out to locals or previous outgoing students via social media platforms before your journey. Their insights, recommendations, and tips about daily life and cultural nuances can be invaluable in navigating your new environment smoothly.

Academically, embrace the diversity offered by the host university. Don’t shy away from exploring unfamiliar courses or subjects. This is your chance to broaden your academic horizons and delve into areas of study not typically available at your home institution.

Strategic planning is key. Familiarize yourself with the course offerings beforehand and craft a schedule that aligns with your academic goals while allowing for exploration.


Word Rap:

My first day at the host university was… exciting and covered in snow

When in Turku you should not miss out on… the vibrant student events

The best 3 things about an exchange semester: 1. Forming new international connections 2. Truly immersing oneself in a different culture 3. Gaining a profound understanding of what it truly means to be open-minded

My studies abroad in 3 words… surprising, breathtaking and fun



Alena from Lomonosov Moscow State University in our interview about her exchange period at the University of Klagenfurt

Alena Perekulimova is a student of Economics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia. Through the Joint-Study programme, she spent the summer semester 2023 at the University of Klagenfurt, during which she took part in an exchange student ambassador initiative. In this interview, Alena is telling us more about her studies in Klagenfurt and why she would recommend AAU as an exchange destination for prospective incoming students.

Read more