
Critical Storytelling from Global Borderlands is situated on a road first paved by Gloria Anzaldúa. In this talk, Dr. Enríquez, will offer a glimpse into the work of many of the contributors of this book, including his own. This work in the book, speaks of the structural, every day, symbolic, and political violence that comes with being deemed other. The back and forth of cultural survival-of trying to be as you are, while simultaneously being erased or modified to fit in–can be understood as a contested space. In recent years, this back and forth has literally become a global spectacle. Hence, the goal here is beyond any one nation. This is not about one country over the other, and as a result any one ideology over the other. This is not about placing print culture in more hierarchies. The language in this volume is about autochthonous ways of writing. This is about building community. This is about voices from around the globe in one book.

About the presenter:

Julio Enríquez-Ornelas completed his Ph.D. from the University of California-Riverside on Latin American and Mexican Studies; soon after, he was selected as the Postdoctoral Fellow in Latin American Studies at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. He is currently an Associate Professor of Spanish and Global Studies coordinator at Millikin University. His research centers on Mexican Studies, Latinx Studies, and Colombian Studies. His critical and creative work has appeared in Prose Studies History, Theory, Criticism, Hispania, Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Textos Híbridos, Alchemy: Journal of Translation, El BeisMan, Suburbano, and Paloma Revista. Next year, his first co-edited book volume, Critical Storytelling from Global Borderlands with Brill|Sense will be published. In addition, his encyclopedia entry on undocumented writers will appear in the Latino Literature Encyclopedia for Students with ABC-Clio. In addition, he has two academic essays on contemporary Colombian authors coming out as part of an edited academic book volume. Finally, next year his first creative single authored text, El que es verde will be published in Spanish in Colombia at the 50th year anniversary of Pijao Editores. He is finishing up an article on Mexican author Pedro Angel Palou’s novel, Memoria de los días, which will appear as part of an edited book volume. Currently, he is working on his book length manuscript tentatively titled Latinoamericanxs Global Pop Cultures in Latinx Literatures.


Wednesday, October 27th 2021



1. Forschungstag Sprachwissenschaft an der AAU

Am 05.11.2021 treffen sich Linguist*innen der AAU zu einem ersten Forschungsaustausch, um Gemeinsamkeiten und Synergien auszuloten und einen Überblick über aktuelle linguistische Forschung an unserer Universität zu erarbeiten. Aufgrund der aktuellen COVID-Situation und der räumlichen Beschränkung richtet sich der Austausch nur an die Vortragenden.

Eine nächste, dann öffentliche Veranstaltung zur linguistischen Forschung an der AAU ist bereits in Planung.


Wann: 5. November 2021 (9 bis 18 Uhr)

Wo: Stiftungssaal (O.0.01)



9:20-9:40 IAW-Strukturen im Deutschen: Vielfalt und Variationspotenzial, mit kontrastiven Ausblicken Steven Schoonjans
9:40-10:00 Erfolg eines zweisprachigen Unterrichtsmodells – Begleitung der Hermagoras-Volksschule Ursula Doleschal & Lisa Rieger
10:00-10:20 Fragetypen und Coaching-spezifische Fragefunktionen – erste linguistische Ergebnisse von QueSCo (Questioning Sequences in Coaching) Frédérick Dionne & Melanie Fleischhacker
10:20-10:40 Argumentative Topoi in Bittschriften aus Sklavenprozessen der Audienz von Quito (18./19. Jh.) Jennifer Gabel de Aguirre
10:40-11:00 The Coding Methods for In-Depth Linguistic Biography Interviews Anna Abramova & Yevheniia Lytvyshko





11:20-11:40 “More than a Game” – (kritische) linguistische Analysen von Diskurs- und Identitätskonstruktionen junger Fußballerinnen in verschiedenen Datensätzen Eva-Maria Graf & Melanie Fleischhacker
11:40-12:00 Die Rolle der Wortfrequenz beim Erwerb vom Spanischen als Fremdsprache Ekaterina Shmidt & Jaime Climent de Benito
12:00-12:20 Developing a CEFR-Linked Calibrated C-Test Item Bank for English Nikola Dobric & Günther Sigott
12:20-12:40 Spot Italian in Klagenfurt: Linguistic Landscaping in der Fremdsprachendidaktik Christina Gavagnin
12:40-13:00 Metaphors and Visual Aids in Learning English Idioms: Introducing the Project Alexander Onysko & Carina Rasse





14:30-14:50 Computerlinguistik am D!ARC Michael Wiegand
14:50-15:10 English, Latin, and Lessons for Language Policymakers: Modelling a ‘World Language’ from Historical Precedents Nikola Dobric
15:10-15:30 Cultural Conceptualizations in Maori English/Aotearoa English Marta Degani
15:30-15:50 Altlombardisch: Periodisierung, Dynamiken, Corpus Raymund Wilhelm





16:10-16:30 La formazione delle parole nella poesia del Novecento: primi sondaggi su composti e derivati in rima Susanna Ralaimaroavomanana
16:30-16:50 Das Plus-que-parfair in der französischen Literatursprache der Gegenwart Verena Busch
16:50-17:10 ForMA – Formelhaftes Mittelalter: formelhafte Sprache und Syntax in den italo-romanischen Varietäten des Mittelalters Elisa de Roberto
17:10-17:30 Die volkssprachlichen Werke des Bonvesin da la Riva zwischen Texttradition und Sprachgeschichte. Eine korpusbasierte Untersuchung zur Diachronie des Altlombardischen Lisa Struckl



International Online Conference “Narrative Encounters with Ethnic American Literatures”

On September 2-4, 2021, the Department of English is hosting the International Online Conference “Narrative Encounters with Ethnic American Literatures,” convened by Alexa Weik von Mossner, Marijana Mikić, and Mario Grill within the framework of the FWF Narrative Encounters Project.

Taking a cue from pioneering efforts at the intersection of context-oriented approaches in race and ethnicity studies and post-classical narratology, this conference is interested in the relationship between narrative, race, and ethnicity in the United States. Reading so-called “ethnic” American literatures means encountering characters and storyworlds imagined by writers associated with various minority communities in the United States.

How do ethnic American literary texts use narrative form to engage readers in issues related to race and ethnicity? What narrative strategies do they employ to interweave these issues with other important identity markers such as class, religion, gender, and sexuality? How do they involve readers emotionally in their storyworlds and how do they relate such involvements to the racial politics and history of the United States? And how does paying attention to the strategies and formal features of ethnic American literatures change our understanding of narrative theory? These are some of the questions we hope to address at this conference.

Keynote Speakers:

Frederick Luis Aldama, Jacob & Frances Sanger Mossiker Chair in the Humanities at the University of Texas, Austin Paula Moya, Danily C. and Laura Louise Bell Professor of the Humanities, Stanford University Patrick Colm Hogan, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, University of Connecticut

The program is available here.

You can register for the conference here. Registration is free of charge.

For any inquiries, please contact narrative [dot] encounters [at] aau [dot] at

When Linguistics and Psychology Meet – New Research Project About Questioning Sequences in Coaching

Dr. Eva Graf is currently working on an exciting new research project about questioning sequences in coaching. She is building important groundwork to explore and improve the possibilities in the field of coaching. “In order to standardize coaching or to professionalize coaching, we not only need to know that it works, but we also need to very much know how it works,” says Graf.
Read more