Game Pics | Jam & Show. Workshop und Ausstellung zu In-Game Photography an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Anlässlich der Einführung des Masterstudiums „Game Studies and Engineering“ veranstalten die Institute für Informationstechnologie und Anglistik/Amerikanistik in Zusammenarbeit mit Wissen schafft Kunst ein Reflexionsexperiment zu In-Game Photography. Eröffnung der Ausstellung am 13. Juni 2017. Read more

“The Game is the Mode of our Time“

Irrespective of whichever part of the world we are currently regarding, everything appears to be becoming more playful in the estimation of literary scholar and games researcher Felix Schniz, who is working as a PreDoc Scientist at the Department of English and American Studies while pursuing his doctoral degree. In his studies, he explores the experiences that are gained while playing video games.

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Neues Masterstudium Game Studies & Engineering

An der Alpen-Adria-Universität in Klagenfurt startet im Herbst 2017 ein österreichweit einzigartiges Masterstudium zu “Game Studies & Engineering”. Die Anmeldefrist läuft von 1. Mai bis 31. August 2017. 35 Studienplätze stehen zur Verfügung. Read more

Learning about and from video games

The 2017/18 winter semester at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt will see the start of the inaugural Master’s degree in “Games Studies and Engineering”, an interdisciplinary degree covering the culture, practical application and technical development of gaming. Humanities lecturer René Reinhold Schallegger – along with Mathias Lux one of the main proponents – has been working on his habilitation thesis looking at the ethical questions involved in video gaming, and ad astra wanted to know more.  Read more